Rescue Union delegation on its way to Moldova to help escaped civilians (video)

by time news

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A rescue union delegation left for Moldova last night (Saturday) to help civilians fleeing the war in Ukraine. Sheba Beyond representative joins a delegation with advanced technologies for remote medicine

A pioneer force of a rescue union delegation is now leaving for Moldova to assist war refugees in Ukraine. The force has 15 volunteer medical personnel: a doctor, paramedics and paramedics. In the coming days, another force of 30 medical personnel will join the pioneer team. The delegation was formed at the request of the Chief Rabbi of Moldova, Pinchas Salzman, and in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Rescue Union CEO Eli Polak said that “the delegation which includes a doctor, paramedics and paramedics is equipped with medical and humanitarian equipment to provide assistance to those crossing the border from Ukraine. We were also joined by a Sheba Beyond representative who will assist with remote medical equipment and training of doctors from Israel. “

David Crispifil, commander of the delegation, explains: “We are leaving for Romania, from where we will arrive by car in Chisinau. There we will connect with the Israeli ambassador, Joel Leon and representatives of the Jewish community, and with them we will refine the missions.”

As mentioned, Sheba Beyond, the virtual hospital of Sheba Medical Center takes part in a mission of the Rescue Union and sends a representative on its behalf and advanced technological equipment for remote medicine.

With the help of these measures, Sheba doctors from a variety of areas of expertise will be able to assist and medically remotely and in real time to the teams in the field.

The equipment sent to the combat area includes devices for remote physical examination, devices for cardiac monitoring and vital signs remotely, a portable ultrasound device and a device for performing a blood test.

“We have the ability to provide remote assistance and bring through advanced technologies the high quality of Sheba physicians to areas that are also experiencing medical crises,” says Dr. Galia Barkai, Sheba’s director of Beyond.

“We will provide medical assistance to anyone who needs it. The advanced equipment in the field will be connected online to Sheba’s computers so that we can guide, advise and assist the members of the delegation in medical treatment.”

Sarit Lerner, the director of technology at the virtual hospital, is Sheba Beyond’s representative on the delegation.

“As soon as the delegation crystallized, it was clear to us that we could help and be a complementary factor,” she says. “I have no fear and I see the trip as a real mission and a commitment to apply the information and capabilities we have in order to provide humanitarian assistance anywhere in the world that needs it.”

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