In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 27 February: Europe sends weapons but does not give up on gas. War in Ukraine

by time news

Vladimir Putin

The spy and the comedian: the war of the two Vladi

The parable of the power of a small Soviet official who became a Tsar for life

Between economy and bombs

Swift and arms: Italy and Germany open, but do not yield on gas

United Europe. Our government is also ready to send “military” resources to Kiev


Airports, vineyards, villas, hotels… The descent of the oligarchs in Italy

The shopping of Putin’s friends. Tourism & C. Argentario and Maremma are their business

Russia / Ukraine. The protests

Peace, crowded squares. Italy comes back together to say no to war

From Rome to Milan. Sold out at the sit-in in the capital, 30 thousand in the procession in Piazza Duomo: the pacifist front raises its head

To the Council of State

Rome, the nuns against Jehovah’s Witnesses: the “religious war” to avoid paying the IMU

A half-million euro clash between religions. On the one hand, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, who denounce the “discrimination” suffered by the Municipality of Rome with an “excess of power”. On the other hand, the Cistercian Sisters of Santa Susanna, who felt called into question so much that they resorted to administrative justice twice (losing). In the middle, […]

Dinner. Everyone is silent about Putin

B., Salvini and the pro-Russian. Dell’Utri make a pizza at Briatore

Spinning pizzas, stadium choirs and white handkerchiefs shaken like panolada. For one evening, that of Friday, the terrible images of Ukrainian suffering remained outside the “Crazy Pizza”, Flavio Briatore’s Milanese restaurant in via della Moscova that a week ago opened a branch also in the heart of Rome, […]

Justice. Appointments

The judge who wants to loosen the 41-bis is favored at the Dap

Renoldi lashes out against the “anti-mafia perched in the cult of martyrs” and is against the life imprisonment. Cartabia wants him to lead the prisons

The interview

“Europe has wasted 30 years: Kiev is not a new Sarajevo”

Andrea Riccardi

Italy Viva. The leopoldina

Renzi calls Letta to the center “Good signals arrive from the Democratic Party”

The party assembly in adoration of his boss who has learned to be content: “Even with 3% we make everyone dance”


Matteo does as B., but the newspapers are silent

Conflict of attribution. In 2011 the media were indignant against Silvio, now they remain silent


Vaccines, rain of appeals in the school

In court. The anief union moves after the tar has proved the prison officers right

The spaceship of Milan

The hospital in the Fiera closes in the triumph of propaganda

Bertolaso’s “Spaceship” will close on Tuesday 1st March. To say, yesterday, the commissioner Letizia Moratti. The last patient was discharged on Friday and the hospital in Fiera will not receive any others. Granted the triumphal tone of the greeting at the (non) hospital: “I thank Fiera Milano and all the health workers, doctors, nurses, and the volunteers who have worked in the structure […]

He became rich in Russia

Brescia, under investigation “Putin’s architect”: taxes evaded on 50 mln. Seized works of art

Months ago he distanced himself from those who had headed him for Putin’s “winter palace” project. But her activities and his connections remain shrouded in mystery. For this reason, the Brescia Public Prosecutor turned the spotlight on Lanfranco Cirillo, a 63-year-old businessman who in the 1990s understood that […]

Trento, digos operation

Anarchists, three arrests. Pure League bomber

There is also Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez among the three anarcho-insurrectionists arrested yesterday by the Digos in Trieste. For him, believed to be responsible for the attack on the headquarters of the League of Villobra, in the province of Treviso, which took place in 2018. For Sorroche, the hypothesis of a crime is an attack for the purpose of terrorism and manufacturing and carrying in a public place of […]

100 kg across borders

Gold stolen in Italy and recycled in Switzerland

Dozens of kilos of gold from thefts from homes in Northern Italy and headed for Switzerland, discovered by the Asti police. The investigation by the Asti public prosecutor made it possible to identify the alleged leaders of a real supply chain between Piedmont and Lombardy. They prepared precious stones and jewels that, once they were cast on their own in […]

The 28-year-old was in Calabria

Captured fugitive from the S. Cocimo group

Antonino Trentuno, class of ’94, a prominent member of the San Cocimo group of the Cosa Nostra family of Catania Santapaola-Ercolano, son-in-law of Lorenzo Saitta known as “u skeleton”, a leading member of the criminal group, was captured. Trentuno, sentenced to life imprisonment, was arrested in Vibo Valentia by the Carabinieri of the Catania Investigation Unit and by the Squadra […]

Premier League

Eriksen back on the pitch: 30 ‘with Brentford

Christian Eriksen returned to the pitch yesterday in the Premier League with Brentford, who had bought him on a free transfer in January (Inter had granted him the consensual termination after the negative opinion of Coni on the return to competitive practice). More than 8 months after the cardiac arrest suffered during the European Championships, the Danish midfielder, ex […]

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Giuliani died, he was studying radon to predict earthquakes

Giampaolo Giuliani, the researcher known for studying radon gas as a seismic precursor, died of a flash sickness. “A generous, stubborn man, very close to his family and for whom the word ‘friendship’ has a great value”, this is how his death was announced on the page of the Giuliani Foundation. Technician of the Institute of […]

Moby’s N.1 on the attack

Onorato: “Grimaldi-Salvini plan to make us fail”

“Grimaldi and the League want us to fail”. Vincenzo Onorato’s press release is very harsh. The shipowner, investigated for trafficking in illicit influences in Milan together with the founder of the M5s, Beppe Grillo, yesterday released a vitriolic note. “For years I have believed that a strategy has been in place to bring the first infrastructure on the sea to failure […]

Alarm on social networks

Piedmont, 3.4 earthquake in the Cuneo area. Shock also felt in Turin

An earthquake was recorded at 3.49 pm in Piedmont. According to the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Ingv) it had a magnitude of 3.4, with its epicenter in Polonghera, in the Cuneo area. The earthquake was also felt by the population in Turin, there are numerous reports also on social networks. “Raga, was it the earthquake?” Jessica asks on Twitter. […]

Comic matter

Night club, morphine and picnic at the cemetery: it’s Lenny Bruce!

The genius of stand-up comedy

The new border

The great escape from the east: “Russian soldiers are here”

Columns of tanks along the roads of the Donbass. Check-point and shooting for those who reach Dnipro

The other front

The last trains of refugees. Lviv between chaos and humanity

This war that is killing hundreds of victims and tens of thousands of refugees did not start four days ago, a month ago, and not even a year ago. In 2014, the clashes begin in the eastern region of Ukraine, the Donbass: a conflict that the world has not wanted to see for eight years. Today, the nights are […]

The UN useless. Russia vetoes the resolution

That the United Nations was increasingly useless in resolving international disputes had long been evident. But with the resolution passed by the Security Council condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and calling for the immediate withdrawal of Moscow’s troops, it may have reached a point of no return. Russia, permanent member of the Council, depositary of the […]

Volodymyr Zelensky

The spy and the comedian: the war of the two Vladi

The Russian-born president has become the symbol of yellow and blue resistance

The interview. Francesco Paolantoni

“Paolo Conte is a fan of mine. The expulsion from the building. And that ‘no’ to Sorrentino … “

The actor and comedian is among the protagonists of “Tonight everything is possible” on Rai2

The anniversary

“Man in black”: the tragic fate of the anti-hero Cash

The artist would be 90 today. A life marked by guilt and grief led him to always be on the side of the least, between red Indians and prisoners: the “black” of America

Cesare Cremonini

“An album is an act of courage and dignity: I don’t just want to write on social media or for Spotify”

“The girl of the future”


Riondino one and three. And Pacino, De Vito & C. go to the hospice

Fresh from his personal success in the TV series Fidelity, in which he stars with Lucrezia Guidone (on Netflix), Michele Riondino will make his directorial debut in the coming months, directing the film Palazzina Laf for Palomar in his Taranto. The 42-year-old Apulian actor, launched by Il Giovane Montalbano, has also recently returned from the shooting of The Man of […]

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