The measures that the government of Nicolás Maduro seeks after the controversial elections

by times news cr

After the Venezuelan elections and its unproven results, the Nicolas Maduro’s government will seek to toughen the Measures on the Internet and Social Networksthreatened that he goes against the fascism.

For several days now, Nicolas Maduro began to attack social networks, starting with WhatsAppfrom Meta, accusing that it is used to threaten Venezuela, for which reason he recommended boycotting it.

However, also He lashed out at Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter)given that Nicolas Maduro accused him of hacking into the electionsfor which reason he signed a decree so that the social network blocked for 10 days in Venezuela.

Nicolás Maduro’s government will seek measures against social networks and the Internet after Venezuelan elections

On the morning of Monday, August 12, Nicolas Maduro met with the Council of State and the National Defense Council to confront the “fascism” and not allow that end Venezuela after the elections July 28th.

For the same reason, Nicolas Maduro He announced that he will sign various decrees to create a series of laws against fascismamong them, some measures against social networks and the Internet, including news agencies.

In the words of Nicolas Maduro, is to prevent the United States continue to interfere through social networks and the “cyber empire”, which will immediately create a National Cybersecurity Council.

However, it will also seek to toughen the Law on the Supervision of Non-Governmental Organizations and create the National Commission against Fascism, Hate and Violence to eliminate them from Venezuela.

In this regard, Nicolás Maduro asked the National Assembly of Venezuela to speed up the creation of such laws to prevent “the spread of fascist ideas” through social networks.

In his speech, Nicolás Maduro told a historical part of fascismbut also criticized other instances, such as the opening of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, accusing the world of trying impose satanism.

Venezuelan opposition accuses Nicolás Maduro of entrenching himself with military commanders to avoid giving up power

During a press conference with international media via video call, Maria Corina Machado accused Nicolas Maduro He entrenched himself with military commanders and associates of administration of justice.

He added that it is the only thing left to Nicolas Madurosince the people of Venezuela He is seeking change, as he described what he called repression, saying that Caracas is militarized and phones are being taken away.

However, not all officials within the government of Nicolás Maduro They are in favor of the still president, since there are groups that are willing to negotiate a transition of power.

Meanwhile, Maria Corina Machado criticized the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela for not giving the results that were requested, refusing to hand over the election numbers.

He ruled out that as he accused Nicolas Maduro, your records are falsesince they are the same as those of the CNE, reviewed by international organizations that declare Edmundo Gonzalez as President-elect of Venezuela.

For the same reason, Maria Corina Cochado She declared her willingness to negotiate a transition of government to democracy, with guarantees, so Nicolás Maduro should accept these terms.

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2024-08-14 02:16:09

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