How to stop hair fall with Shikakai, this herb is plucked from the tree and then dried and applied on the hair, you will stop using shampoo as soon as you see the effect – benefits of using shikakai for hair fall and know how to use it

by times news cr

2024-08-14 23:43:05
There are many such herbs found in India, which are not only used for health but also for hair problems like hair fall and hair breakage. There is one such herb which is so beneficial for hair that if you use it once, then you can stop applying shampoo on your head.

We are talking about Shikakai, which is mostly grown in the central and southern hot plains of India. Nowadays it is also being used in many types of shampoos and hair dyes, but there is a possibility of chemicals being mixed in them. Therefore, today we are going to tell you about many ways and benefits of using Shikakai directly on hair.

Benefits of applying shikakai on hair

Just like we told you the benefits of Spikenard herb, Shikakai also provides many benefits to our hair. It is dried and applied on the hair, which can be used in many ways. It also helps in increasing hair growth, preventing hair fall and preventing hair breakage by strengthening them. It also cleans the scalp and makes it healthy.

How to use shikakai on hair

You can use the powder of this herb which looks like tamarind on trees. There is not just one way to apply it on hair but there are many ways with the help of which you can nourish your hair and provide them nutrition. Let us know about the ways of applying Shikakai.

Shikakai Hair Mask for Oily Hair

In this rainy season, the people who face the most problems are those whose hair is very oily. In such a situation, this Shikakai hair mask can be very beneficial for them. Let us tell you what things will be needed to make a hair mask-

  • Shikakai powder – 1 bowl
  • Amla powder – 2 teaspoons
  • Tea leaf water – 1 cup
  • Curd – 4 teaspoons

How to prepare Shikakai hair mask

  • First of all, take a big bowl and add shikakai, amla powder and curd in it and mix it well.
  • If the paste seems too thick then add some tea leaf water to it and mix it well.
  • When a smooth paste is ready, keep it aside for 15 minutes.
  • When the time is over, apply it well on the hair and then leave it to dry for 30 minutes.
  • After the time is over, wash your hair with normal water.
  • After using it once a week, you will notice that hair fall has reduced and hair has started to bounce back.

Nourish your hair with shikakai oil

Many of you may have very dry hair, they can nourish their hair by applying shikakai oil and provide the necessary nutrition to the scalp.

You will find Shikakai Ayurvedic oil in the market. Apply it on your hair 1 hour before bathing and then wash your hair. You will see the effect after using it continuously for a few days.

(Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. Also remember that everyone’s skin is different, so do not forget to do a patch test before adopting any remedy. This cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.)

Also see: Know about the problems caused by hair fall


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