In Milan, Titian’s woman is staged

by time news

The common thread is the figure of the woman in Venice in the 16th century

47 the works exhibited in seven rooms16 those performed by Titian and from his shop. Each room is dedicated to different themes:allegorythe one dedicated to portraitsto the costumes of the woman, to the “treatises“, Or small treaties of the time in which they are present engravings representing the fair sex in black and white. The visitor can thus have a comparison with the works of great artists and the drawings in these treatises kept in glass cases.

The pictorial part is the most impressive: it goes from Danaecanvas that tells the myth of the princess of Argos and of Zeus which turns into golden rain to fertilize it, to the portrait of Isabella d’Esteexecuted in 1536 also by Titian and, in the stretch, considered the representation of the first modern woman in the sixteenth-century paintings.

Roberto Capucci, on the occasion of the exhibition, created a fashionable creation of the time

Next to Titian’s masterpiece, the homage of the stylist, our contemporary, Roberto Capucci who dedicated a creation to the figure of the noblewoman according to the fashion of the times.

Among the most appreciated paintings the “Rape of Europe” by Paolo Veronese executed in 1578 in the mannerist style. The exhibition will be open to the public until June 5, 2022.


Paolo Veronese. The Rape of Europa. Famous painting of 1578

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