The mouth of the Adige is polluted: here are the parameters beyond the standard – News

by times news cr

TRENTO. The mouth of the Adige River is “heavily polluted” according to the results of Goletta Verde monitoring, conducted by Legambiente volunteers along the Veneto coast. Since 2010, water samples have been taken at the mouth of the Adige, between Chioggia and Rosolina, a point considered “under special observation” by Goletta Verde because it has repeatedly shown exceedances of legal limits.

Among the causes of the detected levels there would be the heavy rains and the morphology of the river which has its source in the upper Venosta Valley. Legambiente speaks of “parameters three to four times higher than those permitted” for enterococci, referring to the limit values ​​provided for by the bathing water regulations in force in Italy (Legislative Decree 116/2008). The situation is different on the Alto Adige stretch, where the Provincial Environmental Agency carries out its own assessments on the European directive implemented in Italy with Legislative Decree 152/2006.

«The European directive requires monitoring the Limeco parameter (Level of pollution from macrodescriptors for ecological status, ed.), which is an indicator of the nutrients present in the water, and the chemical status parameter, which monitors a series of chemical substances (pesticides, Pfas and other pollutants)», explains Christian Bachmanndirector of the Water Analysis and Chromatography Laboratory, «Specifically, the Adige in our province has a high quality status for Limeco and a good status for the chemical status».

With regard to the chemical status, in 2023 the average values, as well as the maximum admissible concentrations, were found to be compliant with the environmental quality standards required by current legislation for almost all sampling points. At points 11176 (Fossa di Laives, in Vadena, in the Cervo area) and 11177 (Fossa di Bronzolo, upstream of the confluence), an average concentration of Pfos (a perfluorinated compound) was found, higher than the environmental quality standard for the annual average. Furthermore, at point 11177, an excess of the annual average was also detected for Benzo(a)pyrene.

2024-08-16 20:35:41

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