The Independent Labor Inspection Authority continues intensively targeted audits, with the aim of the correct application of labor legislation, the safeguarding of labor rights, the safety and health of workers.

Based on its operational plan, in addition to the quantitative increase of controls, their qualitative upgrade is extremely important, so that targeted interventions are carried out where phenomena of increased delinquency are observed.

Specifically, the controls concern the prevention and treatment of delinquency both in the field of health and safety at work and in the field of labor relations, including the fight against undeclared work, in all branches of economic activity.

Businesses and sectors with a high risk of delinquency, businesses that have not been audited in the last three years and those that have been audited and found to be delinquent, for the purpose of compliance control, businesses that operate on a seasonal basis, industries that employ posted workers or citizen workers are given top priority third countries, companies in which the system is or will be applied Digital Job Card and construction-technical projects.

In fact, according to the Labor Inspectorate, the efficiency of checks is maximized by utilizing the possibilities offered by technology, through data analysis, the Digital Work Card, permanent interconnection, even during checks and the more general digitization of processes , but also with their design based on risk analysis.

Speaking to APE-MPE, the commander of the Independent Labor Inspection Authority, Giorgos Tzilivakis, states that the Labor Inspection continues at a high pace, focusing inspections where there is a greater work intensity per period and where evidence from complaints, accumulated experience and data analysis. “Our role is to protect workers and support businesses that operate legally. In this way, the conditions in the labor market are improved, with a positive social impact”, says Mr. Tzilivakis.

The checks in the first seven months

According to the latest available data, from January to July 2024, 44,893 checks were carried out, 9,946 sanctions were imposed, while the total amount of fines amounted to 26,639,275 euros.

According to sources at the Labor Inspectorate, the total number of inspections this year is set to exceed the original target of 67,700 inspections, but also last year’s annual record of 73,579 inspections. As they estimate, at the rate the controls are being carried out, they can exceed 76,000.

In particular, in the first seven months of 2024, the Labor Relations Inspectorate carried out 24,511 inspections (7,024 sanctions imposed), 16,032 inspections were carried out by the Health & Safety Inspectorate, which imposed 2,306 sanctions, while 4,350 inspections were carried out by special inspectors, who imposed 616 sanctions.

As far as the field of labor relations is concerned, the types of violations most frequently found from January to July 2024 are non-observance of the employer’s obligation to post staff lists in a visible place in the company (number of violations: 2,007), 1,129 violations related to with the Digital Work Card, undeclared work (number of violations: 717), non-payment of accrued wages, holiday allowances and other remuneration (number of violations: 620), refusal of entry and access, provision of data or information or provision of inaccurate information (number of violations : 565) etc.

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