Doctor, how am I doing? The visit told by a hypochondriac-

by time news

The comedian Saverio Raimondo in the podcast series “Da una bravo” plays an anxious patient who goes from one specialist to another to get a check-up. Twelve episodes to talk about prevention with irony, in the difficult times of the pandemic

Two years of pandemic, of lockdown and reopening, of DAD and smartworking, of masks and hand washing gels. We have seen all colors. We were afraid and we felt alone. Even those who usually did not ask themselves many questions about their health began to ask them. Imagine who was already a hypochondriac or simply anxious. And it is Saverio Raimondo himself, who defines himself as a multi-platform comedian and says he identifies himself with both categories, the author and the protagonist of the podcast series “Da uno bravo” (intended as a doctor). Twelve episodes of 30 minutes each arriving, starting from February 28th, on Audible, an Amazon company. Saverio is a hypochondriac on the threshold of his 40s who, speaking to a whole series of specialists, tries to understand “how he is”. Episode after episode, the comic-popular podcast gives us the clinical and psychological profile of a man – who could be any of us – cornered by the anxiety of knowing if he is really healthy (“or maybe he is already dead, but asymptomatic »).

Anxiety and check-up

“I’m used to putting my anxiety to good use – says Saverio – (and in fact it’s called” Let’s stay calm “one of the humorous books by this comedian who started working for 18 years with Serena Dandini, and then continued with the entire Guzzanti family ). “In everyday life, I’m not exactly how I feel in the show, the comedy is exaggeration, but I’m not too different either. And I’m happy that I basically got Audible to give me a complete check-up – he jokes, but not too much – Saverio. Result? “He seems to be fine or at least pretty well. I like going to doctors. I am not one of those who, in fear of being sick, refuse all checks and visits. On the contrary. But in this case it was not enough to go to someone competent, we also needed someone who had the skills of a communicator. It took us a year to find twelve suitable doctors. Being able and willing to explain every step of the visit was the rule of engagement ».

Doctors and patients

«If you can draw suggestions from this work, I would say that one is aimed at patients: do not be shy, ask for clarifications, insights; the other is for doctors: communicate. To limit the role of the Internet, the tendency towards self-diagnosis and “do it yourself” prevailing, it would be enough for all doctors to talk more. Only in this way will people learn, or will return, to ask those who know and stop believing everything they find on the net “.
The twelve episodes of “Da uno bravo” begin with a meeting with a cardiologist (“the fear of heart attack is lurking …”), then move on to a gastroenterologist and, since both advise their patient to pay more attention to eating habits, it is time for the nutritionist. Since Saverio, as a good hypochondriac, fears that some food to which he is allergic is included without knowing it, he follows a visit from the allergist. And then, ENT, ophthalmologist, neurologist (if that perennial headache were something serious …). Since all specialists recommend playing sports, here is an appointment with the physiatrist. And then with the dermatologist and the andrologist.
«Of all the very useful visits made – says Saverio – the one I would like to recommend the most is that of the andrologist precisely because he is a specialist that we males do not like and do not frequent much. Women go to the gynecologist regularly and they start from young and very young, why do we believe we have the right to neglect us? ».

Psychological journey

Then to conclude the check up: endocrinologist, discovering the mysteries of the glands, and finally, of course, the psychologist: Saverio’s problems seem “mostly in the head”. A journey through real, and above all imagined, ailments, exhilarating but also very serious to help us take care of our health.

February 27, 2022 (change February 27, 2022 | 11:13)

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