Who is Alejandro Encinas? Clara Brugada appointed him head of the Secretariat of Planning and Territorial Management in CDMX

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Alejandro Encinas Rodriguezformer Undersecretary of the Interior, joined the team of Clara BrugadaHead of Government elect of Mexico City (CDMX), who appointed him as head of the Secretariat of Planning and Territorial Management in CDMX; here we tell you Who is Alejandro Encinas?.

Today, Monday, August 19, from the Simón Bolívar Amphitheater of the Antiguo Colegio de San Idelfonso in Mexico City, Clara Brugada revealed to the members of the cabinet who will accompany her in her duties as the next Head of Government of Mexico City, starting October 5, 2024.

He Clara Brugada’s cabinet will be made up of 11 women and 10 menone of them will be Alejandro Encinaswho He was in charge of the Ayotzinapa Case during his tenure as Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration in the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

  • Who is Alejandro Encinas?
  • How old is Alejandro Encinas?
  • What is Alejandro Encinas’s zodiac sign?
  • Who is Alejandro Encinas’s husband?
  • Who are Alejandro Encinas’s children?
  • What did Alejandro Encinas study?
  • What is Alejandro Encinas’ career? and more

Who is Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez?

Alejandro de Jesus Encinas Rodriguez He is a politician, academic and economist, who is originally from Mexico City (CDMX) and has an extensive career in the political life of Mexico.

The next head of the Secretariat of Planning and Territorial Management in CDMX He has been a member of 5 different partiesthe last two are the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) and National Regeneration Movement (Morena)where it still continues.

How old is Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez?

Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez He was born on May 13, 1953, so currently He is 70 years old.

Who is Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez’s wife?

The wife of Alejandro Encinas responds to the name of Maria Guadalupe Najera Coronadowho is a researcher in Forest Science at the Center for Research in Geospatial Information Sciences.

What zodiac sign is Alejandro Encinas?

He Alejandro Encinas’ zodiac sign is Taurussince this is the zodiac classification that corresponds to people who were born between April 21 and May 20.

Who are Alejandro Encinas’s children?

Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez has a son who answers to the name Alejandro Encinas Najerawho is the product of her marriage with Maria Guadalupe Najera Coronado. Encinas Najera is the current Undersecretary of Foreign Trade during the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez He has not revealed whether he has more children or not..

What did Alejandro Encinas study?

Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez has a degree in Economics by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). According to the resume he submitted on the Chamber of Deputies’ online portal, Encinas completed his schooling between 1973 and 1977.

What has Alejandro Encinas worked on?

Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez He has a long history of public service, for which he has been a militant Mexican Communist Partyhe Unified Socialist Party of Mexicohe Mexican Socialist Partythe Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD); is currently a member of Morena.

Among the positions he has held are:

  • Federal Deputy by the LIII, LV and LXI legislatures (1985-1988, 1991-1994, 2009-2012)
  • Secretary of the Environment
  • Secretary of Economic Development
  • Secretary of Government
  • Head of Government from the (then) Federal District (2005)
  • Senator by the LXII and LXIII legislatures (2012-2018)
  • President of the Board of Directors of the Constituent Assembly of Mexico City (CDMX)
  • Deputy elected in Coyoacán in 2018
  • Undersecretary for Human Rights, Population and Migration

Alejandro Encinas has also been:

  • Professor of Economics at UNAM
  • Consultant for the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture of the OAS

Alejandro Encinas presents the second report on the Ayotzinapa case (Darkroom / Galo Cañas Rodriguez)

Alejandro Encinas celebrates his appointment to the government of Clara Brugada

Alejandro Encinas reacted after his appointment as head of the Secretariat of Planning and Territorial Management in CDMXa position he will hold in the government of Clara Brugada.

Prior to the revelation of the names of Clara Brugada’s cabinetAlejandro Encinas shared the broadcast of the event headed by the next head of government from the Simón Bolívar Amphitheater of the Old College of San Idelfonso.

In this regard, the former person in charge of the Ayotzinapa Case in the Ministry of the Interior expressed that the Brugada team is made up of “prepared and committed” people.

Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez and the Ayotzinapa Case

Alejandro Encinas Rodriguez He was one of the figures who, after the disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa, in Iguala, showed his dissatisfaction with the federal government, and even He left his then party (PRD) for “keeping silent” in the case.

Later, during the AMLO government, Alejandro Encinas, as Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration, established the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice in the Ayotzinapa Case. (CoVAC) and as of January 14, 2019, he presided over the investigation into the disappearance of the students.

Four years after the CoVAC was installed and after the Second Report of the Ayotzinapa Case, the crime has not been solved completely, as there are still people involved to be arrested, as well as the not being certain of the locations where the students were disappeared.

However, so far it is known that The young people were victims of a state crime, where officials from all levels participated: local, state and federal, including elements of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena).

There are also 132 people arrested for the disappearance of the students, including members of the army and former producer Jesús Murillo Karam; Tomás Zerón is expected to be extradited from Israel, although the government has not agreed.

Despite these advances, the investigation into the Ayotzinapa Case by this administration has also been highly criticized, because although Initially, it was promised that the truth and justice would be obtained, but in the last 4 years, there have also been accusations of protecting high-ranking officials and blocking information.

Both the GIEI and the prosecutor in charge of the case at the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) have resigned from continuing with the investigation, saying that they were obstructing progress and refusing to proceed in accordance with the law.

Meanwhile, in the latest CoVAC report, Alejandro Encinas said it is not possible to know if the 40 missing students will ever be found, and said they are presumed dead.

Amidst this, as well as the refusal to hand over files by Sedena and Semar, Alejandro Encinas resigned from the Undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration, and from CoVAC.

Who is Alejandro Encinas? Clara Brugada appointed him head of the Secretariat of Planning and Territorial Management in CDMX

Rally for Ayotzinapa March 2023 (Graciela Lopez Herrera / SDPnews)

2024-08-20 01:00:58

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