Traffic on Nevsky Prospekt was limited due to an uncoordinated rally

by time news

In the center of St. Petersburg on February 27, an uncoordinated rally began against the Russian special operation in the Donbass. In this regard, the police restricted the movement of cars on Nevsky Prospekt.

On the Anichkov Bridge, police officers have put a bus that blocks the way. Cars have to stop, then let one pass.

An uncoordinated action once again gathered at the Gostiny Dvor. According to Delovoy Peterburg, several hundred citizens came there and moved towards Liteiny Prospekt. Also, the riot police arrived at the place of the rally and began arrests.

The first uncoordinated rally was held in the center of St. Petersburg on February 24th. The day before, the joint press service of the courts of St. Petersburg reported that during the day the city courts considered 251 cases against protesters. All of them drew up administrative protocols on “organization of mass simultaneous stay and (or) movement of citizens in public places, which entailed a violation of public order.” “MK in St. Petersburg” wrote that Petersburgers received fines from 10 thousand rubles to 20 thousand rubles and arrests of up to 20 days. Some were assigned compulsory work up to 60 hours.

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