who has the right to? This is the amount you pay in 2024

by time news

2024-08-20 06:06:00

BACK TO SCHOOL ALLOWANCE 2024. This valuable aid to families is paid in the summer, a few days before students return to class. The back-to-school scholarship has been extended in 2024 and here are the conditions for its acceptance.


As the start of the school year approaches, nearly three million families benefit from a welcome promotion. The return to school 2024 was paid this Tuesday, August 20 for families in mainland France, those in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana. State aid used to finance school supplies and back-to-school purchases for children has already been paid to residents of Mayotte and Reunion.

Back-to-school allowances (ARS) are paid by the Caisse des family allowances (CAF) before the opening of schools, when parents and children check the lines of school supplies one by one and go to find a school bag and other purchases that are necessary for the resumption of classes. Checks distributed to low-income families help offset the cost of going back to school. But not everyone is entitled to it, access to the back-to-school scholarship is subject to the incoming dog. The amount offered also depends on the child’s age, the needs are not the same if they are in elementary, middle or high school. Selection conditions, payment amount, date of acceptance… This is everything you need to know.

What is the 2024 payment date of the “back-to-school bonus”, back-to-school allowance?

Every year, the back-to-school allowance is paid on the same days, or almost: on the first days of August for eligible families living in Mayotte and the Union (where the return to class takes place earlier than elsewhere in France) and around August 15 for all other regions. In 2024, the dates are as follows:

  • Wednesday August 6, 2024 for Mayotte and the Union.
  • on Tuesday August 20, 2024 for mainland France, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana.

What is the cost of the back-to-school allowance in 2024?

In addition, the value of the 2024 education allowance has clearly increased according to the data published on the CAF website. In 2024, the back-to-school allowance cost will be:

  • Child aged 6 to 10: 416.40 euros (compared to 398.09 euros in 2023).
  • Child aged 11 to 14: 439.38 euros (compared to 420.06 euros in 2023).
  • Child aged 15 to 18: 454.60 euros (compared to 434.61 euros in 2023).

The value of the 2024 education allowance has therefore increased by around twenty euros for each age group. This adjustment, however, is not enough by the Confederation of Families, as it is slightly lower than the inflation rate (4.6% more aid compared to 4.9% inflation). Associative clustering is also incorporated Your report “cost of education 2024” that “the gap of 38 euros between primary and secondary school is not far from reflecting the reality of the expenses of families that are spent every year”.

Who is eligible for the 2024 back-to-school allowance? Conditions

The steps to apply for a back-to-school permit depend on your situation and your child’s age. In some cases, you don’t have to do any preliminary steps, Caf takes care of paying the re-entry tax automatically. Here are the situations to benefit from it, and the situations that may arise:

  • Income must not exceed a ceiling decided based on the number of dependent children.
  • His The child must be between 6 and 18 years old.
  • The child must also study in a public or private institution. Forget the back-to-school gift if you’ve opted out for homeschooling. Please note, however, that the allowance may be given when the child is accompanied courses through a distance organization like Cned. Is your child under 18 and in education? You can get ARS, provided that your salary does not exceed 55% of that less income.
  • You are a beneficiary and you deserve it : the back-to-school allowance is automatically paid to your children who will be aged 6 to 15 on February 31 following the start of the school year.
  • For young people aged 16 to 18, the declaration of the oath is enough to ensure that the child is in school. “Caf will contact you in July by email or post to invite you to take this step”, it is explained on the dedicated page of the Family Giving Fund.
  • Your child is under 6 years old and is admitted to CP : you must send Caf a school certificate.
  • You are not a recipient of Caf : go to the “Online services” section, then click “Submit a request for a service”, and “Back to school permit”. You will need to print it dedication form and return it to your CAF.

If you do not meet the income conditions for the back-to-school grant, in other words if your resources exceed the ceilings set above, Caf can pay part of the back-to-school grant. Then we talked about the back-to-school allowance difference. Caf can agree to reimburse the school, if the materials are not less than “the accumulation between the ARS dog and the amount of this aid for the child”, we are told in 2021. In this case, families therefore only receive part of this financial assistance.

What is the maximum threshold that must not be exceeded to receive a back-to-school permit? Size 2024

To benefit from the back-to-school allowance, household items must not exceed a ceiling. CAF does not study the income of the current year, but those of the last two years, depending on your family status as of July 31. The 2024 amount is increased compared to 2023 to take into account inflation and will take into account the 2022 income, recorded on the 2023 tax return.

Here’s the dose in 2024:

  • For a family with 1 dependent child: 27,141 euros (compared to 25,775 euros in 2023)
  • 2 dependent children: 33,404 euros (compared to 31,723 euros in 2023)
  • 3 dependent children: 39,667 euros (compared to 37,671 euros in 2023)
  • 4 dependent children: 45,930 euros (compared to 43,619 euros in 2023)
  • A bonus is also given for additional dependent children.

To find your reference tax, just look at the cover page of your tax notice. The amount is indicated at the bottom of the income tax reference page.

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