Is the Covid vaccine safe in the first months of pregnancy? –

by time news
Of Antonio Clavenna

The European Medicines Agency has released the results of a review of published studies confirming the safety of use of messenger RNA vaccines

I am 12 weeks pregnant and must receive the third dose of Covid vaccine. I am a little bit worried. Are there any risks?

He answers Antonio Clavennapharmacologist of the Maternal and Child Health Laboratory of the Mario Negri IRCCS Pharmacological Research Institute of Milan (WRITE TO THE FORUM)

From the studies available on vaccination against Covid in pregnancy and from the data collected by pharmacovigilance systems, there are no signs that indicate an association with an increased risk for the development of the embryo or fetus. In particular, the European Medicines Agency recently made public the results of a review of published studies (which evaluated a total of 65,000 pregnancies), which confirms the safety of use of messenger RNA vaccines. Covid infection, if contracted during pregnancy (particularly in the second half), carries a higher probability of severe forms of the disease. Vaccination is therefore recommended, as it reduces this risk.

Antibodies in newborns

Additionally, some studies have documented the presence of antibodies against Sars-CoV-2 in the blood of newborns of vaccinated pregnant mothers. The indication to carry out vaccination in the II and III trimester of pregnancy is precautionary and not motivated by the presence of risks in the first three months. Since in the early weeks of gestation there is no higher probability of serious illness in case of Covid and that information on administration is more limited, non-priority first trimester vaccination. She is now at the end of the first three months, so there are no particular reasons to believe that the vaccine may involve risks.

February 27, 2022 (change February 27, 2022 | 10:26)

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