2024-08-20 17:00:00
A few days before the application date of the National Examination for Applicants to Medical Residencies (ENARM) 2024 There are people who have used all kinds of tricks to deceive young people who want to be professionals. Therefore, it is important that you know this information so that you do not become a victim of this type of scam.
The Ministry of Health (SSa) issued a publication sentence in which he said that many illegal activities were detected during the pre-registration stage. As in previous publications, there are people who offer “direct passes” in exchange for cash payments.
ENARM 2024: What are the most common types of fraud?
Health authorities make it clear that such provisions are apocryphal. By no means are they sites for sale and they also indicate the main media in which such scams occur.
- WhatsApp groups
- Social media reports
- SMS messages
- phone calls
In all previous cases, company abbreviations and symbols are used, in addition to mentioning government agencies on Internet pages to ensure the access of applicants to the desired medical residency.
Fraudulently, the criminals also say that they can leave questions and answers in advance, that is, similar things and things, which prove the consent of the visitor to get a place.
For this situation, SSa urges people who hope not to be deceived, not to be part of fraud and not to engage in illegal behavior in exchanging money, because fraudsters cannot take what they want. do commit, because the preparation of assessments is protected. through padlocks and high security levels, which make it impossible for them to steal or leak in any way.
Attempted fraud use ENARM It is a crime in which two people participate: the fraudster and the paid person seeking to obtain an illegal benefit.
Applicants should be aware that ENARM’s validation procedures and security locks are unbreakable, so false forms and documents are detected immediately, causing sanctions that may lead to legal action or temporary or permanent cancellation to participate in future editions ENARM.
When will ENARM 2024 apply?
The exam will be administered from September 24 to 26, 2024.
What are the venues for ENARM 2024?
- Puebla, Puebla
- León, Guanajuato
- Morelia, Michoacan
- Querétaro, Querétaro
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#ENARM #common #types #fraud