People Power Party floor leader Choo Kyung-ho said on the 20th to the Democratic Party of Korea, “Now that the national convention is over, stop focusing on competing for clarity and focusing only on your strong support base with frequent foul language.”
Floor leader Choo Mi-ae said this during a floor strategy meeting held at the National Assembly this morning, saying, “It is time for the Democratic Party to show itself as a responsible ruling party that seriously thinks about the people’s livelihood and engages in fierce discussions.”
He emphasized, “I welcome the reappointment of Vice Chairman of the Policy Committee Jin Seong-jun in the second term of Representative Lee Jae-myung, as this will allow for continuity and swift discussion on policies.” He added, “I hope that we can quickly discuss bills related to urgent livelihood and economic issues such as the Jeonsei Fraud Act, the Goo Hara Act, the Nurses Act, and the National Power Expansion Network Act, so that we can reach an agreement and process more livelihood legislation at the plenary session on the 28th.”
Regarding concerns over a shortage of medical personnel due to the exodus of residents amid the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Rep. Choo Mi-ae ordered the government to “take thorough measures to the point of feeling excessive in quarantine management.”
In addition, regarding the Ulchi exercise, he added, “The National Assembly should actively cooperate so that we can fully focus on strengthening our emergency preparedness capabilities,” and “There should be no paralysis or waste of state administration due to political strife.”
(Seoul = News 1)
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