The most effective method of reverse aging for the skin is Lipogems®, a regenerative medicine aesthetic treatment

by time news

It is the treatment of reverse aging which has had more evidence at the reconstructive medical level for decades, and for this reason, probably, it is also the only aesthetic rejuvenation procedure that really works. We are talking about Lipogems®the jewel in the crown of the Milanese centre Image Regenerative Clinicborn from the research of the Dr. Carlo Tremolada, reconstructive plastic surgeon and scientific director of the structure.

This is a patented FDA-approved methodology that originates from principles of regenerative medicine to speed up the healing process and recovery from sports injuries – the skier Sofia Goggia discovered its miraculous effect on cartilage wear and tear – and to treat orthopedic problems, such as arthrosis and tendonitis, but not only. There are also studies underway for its application in the treatment of Kron’s disease fistulas, among the most difficult to heal. In the aesthetic field Lipogems® paved the way for theage reverse, because it is capable of having a proven effect of skin regeneration and rejuvenation.

To understand exactly what it is Lipogems®we asked Carlo Tremolada, its inventor, to delve into the scientific part supported by medical publicationsto understand its effectiveness and mechanism of action.

What is the principle on which Lipogems® is based?
«It’s about grafting into specific sites adult and active mesenchymal stem cells – those that deal with repair and that are activated in 90% of cases when the body needs to self-regenerate – taken from the patient’s fat. Lipogems® It is nothing more than a patented device that reduces, without destroying its structure, the size of adipose tissue rich in microvessels and precursors of mesenchymal stem cells, the so-called pericytes. These are found in all tissues, but fat contains them in greater quantities, and they are easy to extract. The mix obtained after the extraction is injected where it is needed to reactivate tissue regeneration, even at the skin level».

Where did the intuition that led you to create this technology come from?
“I worked as a chief surgeon for years at the San Paolo hospital and I saw that what mattered in treatment, and also for the success of an operation, was how the patient reacted. What makes the difference is each person’s ability to self-heal, a mechanism that is not at all simple or trivial, and understanding how to activate it is the key. The intuition that was fundamental in my research is that Adipose tissue has regenerative propertiesa notion that has been known for a long time. Napoleon’s surgeons already knew it, who in the case of amputations used fat from the amputated part as a dressing, also because they had nothing else».

What characteristics must the adipose tissue used for Lipogems® have?
«Since the 80s, adipose tissue has become commonly used with lipofilling, which however has major limitations: lipofilling does not always work reliably because it removes large pieces of fat that are difficult to integrate and vascularize with the graft. Hence my idea of ​​trying to reduce the size of the adipose tissue as much as possible, so that it has the possibility of attaching better to the recipient site. I have had many breast and facial reconstructions after tumors, and I needed lipofilling like bread. And when I discovered that in irradiated tissues, where you have poor vascularization due to radiotherapy, using micro-revolutionized fat grafts it was possible to heal ulcers from radiodermatitis, a light bulb went on in my head».

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