What is celebrated on August 21? Today is the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, National Day of the Social Worker and the feast day of St. Pius X

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Today, August 21st is the International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, National Social Worker Day and the Catholic saint’s day is celebrated Saint Pius X.

As already said, this August 21st It is the International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, which was declared by the UN and celebrated since 2008.

He National Social Worker Day It was declared by the Chamber of Deputies, LXIV Legislature of the H. Congress of the Union in 2021.

Also on August 21st St. Pius X is celebratedthe first contemporary pope who came from the peasant class.

Today, August 21, is the International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism

It is August 21 is the International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorismwhich arose after the number of attacks that have been seen over the years.

The main objective of the International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism is to provide information and raise awareness in society.

August 21 is the International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism (Dmytro Tolokonov / Unsplash)

In addition to making efforts to ensure that this type of catastrophe does not happen again, since they are known as a form of violent political struggle that seeks to spread terror.

In that sense, Terrorism is an act of intimidation and violence of radical groups, where the International Day of Commemoration and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism seeks:

  • Addressing conditions that may foster terrorism
  • Create strategies to help, prevent and combat terrorism
  • Assist Member States in developing strategies to prevent, assist and combat terrorism
  • Ensuring respect for human rights

National Social Worker Day is celebrated on August 21

He National Social Worker Day It was decreed by the Chamber of Deputies, LXIV Legislature of the H. Congress of the Union, establishing August 21 as the date for its commemoration.

The decree was given on April 29, 2021, being a still very young celebration, it is compared to other days of celebration in Mexico.

His decree was given in order to Recognize all social workerswho have worked in the development of plans for the solution of local and global problems.

In addition to actively promoting inclusion, equality and the human rightsstarting from an interdisciplinary and humanistic base.

What is celebrated on August 21? Today is the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, National Day of the Social Worker and the feast day of St. Pius X

Social Work (Archive / Cuartoscuro)

St. Pius X is also celebrated on August 21

In addition to being the International Day of Remembrance, National Day of the Social Worker and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, This August 21st we celebrate Pope Saint Pius X.

Well, within the Catholic calendar, this August 21 is the day of Saint Pius X, whose real name was Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto.

He was the first Pope who came from a working class background and whose training was exclusively pastoral.

And it is known that the main concern of Saint Pius X was to spread the word of God among Christians in the best possible way.

He Pope Saint Pius X was known for works during his Pontificate as:

  • Opposition to modernism and the anti-Christian laws of France
  • Beginning of the reform of canon law
  • Reform of the Roman Curia
  • Age of first communion around 7 years old

It is known that Pope Saint Pius X died before the outbreak of World War IHe was canonized by Pius XII in 1954.

August 21 is the feast day of Saint Pius X

August 21 is the feast day of Saint Pius X (Especial)

2024-08-22 05:37:50

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