2024-08-22 11:33:13
Beyond urban change, the Go to America’s Cup of the accelerator knowledge project planned in Barcelona. Among them, the deployment of the 5G network, the renewal and expansion of optical fiberand of some 500 cameras video surveillance and data analysis systems covering land areas and coastal marine areas. In addition to security management, these actions will also improve the services and technical development of the more than 500 companies located in the port facilities, as indicated this Thursday by the Port of Barcelona .
Lluís Salvadó, Bernat Baró and Didac Hoflich, at the Security and Emergency Management Coordination Center (CECOR). / The magazine
Data extraction
The function of the cameras is to control any event and ensure safety. Technology used live extract data that takes one crowd of vehicles and people and act to ensure proper functioning. All this is done from the Security and Emergency Management Coordination Center (CECOR) located next to the base of Emirates Group New Zealandthe organizers of the competition in Barcelona.
Cameras, drones and radars
“Control is by sea, land and air,” explains the director of the station’s Security Agency, Bernat Baronblanket 1.100 hectares of port and two nautical miles. In addition to those half a thousand camerasdeployments of drones and installations of two state-of-the-art radar systems They used to cover all the paper with water. The purpose is to monitor vessel access to manage capacity and traffic. At the entrance of the Bocana Nordthe port until now managed large ships, but not the little ones, that do not need to incorporate the same communication systems.
Bernat, Salvadó and Hoflich at the Security and Emergency Management Coordination Center (CECOR). / The magazine
New powers
“We didn’t have the ability to find and distinguish them, but now we can” with that technology stop the application competition, sailboats, zodiacs, explain the meaning of Projects and ICT Services, Didac Hoflich. All information is directly within the reach of emergency services, administrations with powers and security forces that work together in CECOR: Mossos d’Esquadra, Civil Guard, Civil Guard, National Police, Maritime Captaincy, Maritime Rescue, Barcelona Firefighters, Red Cross and Civil Defensewhich has added organization, America’s Cup of breast (ACE).
one of the best
“We see any small light on the screen, and it is much better to wait for someone’s alarm call,” said the Mossos d’Esquadra of the director of the Security Master Plan for the American Navy. Carlos Anfrunsfor whom the packaging company “is one of the best.”
pixelated images
Cameras are “not allowed identity, but rather levels of people and vehicles,” pointed out Baró, who added that the foundations for security require administrative power. The device is authorized by the Video Screen Control Board, which provides, for example, that the images taken in the middle of the beaches, for example, “they are pixels” so that people are not recognized. After the Copa América, the station must, together with the committee, set which cameras and systems can be located and which must be removed.
In this sense, the station plan is to benefit from the new implementation. “Copa América is not only a sport, it is more than all technology”, said the sustainable, president of the station, Lluís Salvadówhich has influenced the fact that its celebration has made it possible to accelerate the development of more preparation methods for the port authority.”
#AMERICAN #SAILING #CUP #Copa #América #promotes #technical #jump #coast #Barcelona