The legendary French actor Alain Delon passed away at the age of 88 years old in Douchy, center of France, their three children announced in a statement today.
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“Alain FabienAnouchka, Anthony and (his dog) Loubo announce with deep regret the passing of their father. He passed away peacefully at his home in Douchy, surrounded by his three children and family,” the document said.
“The actor of ‘A pleno sol’ and ‘El silencio de un hombre’ has gone to meet (the Virgin) Mary among the stars so dear to him,” he added.
The “family asks that their privacy be respected at this time of extremely painful mourning,” their relatives said. children.
The actor died “very early in the middle of the night,” they said.
Little seen since the nineties, Alain Delon hit the headlines in the summer of 2023, when her three children filed a complaint against her companion, Hiromi Rollin, Sometimes described as his companion, accusing her of taking advantage of his weakness.
His three children then waged a fratricidal war through the media and the courts, regarding the actor’s state of health, who was suffering from a lymphoma and who suffered a stroke in 2019.
In May 2019, she returned to savor the lights of the red carpet of Cannes to receive a Honorary Palme d’Or, between tears and a speech with testamentary overtones.
“It is a bit of a posthumous tribute, but while he is alive,” said Alain Delon on that occasion.
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2024-08-22 18:42:13