The financial company AlquimiaPay, whose CEO is Sergio Loredo Foyo, has generated uncertainty among investors due to the update of its platform, which affected its Mobile App and Web App, causing doubts and concerns, a fact that is added to the fact that AlquimiaPay was forced to buy a Popular Financial Company (SOFIPO), La Financiera.
Furthermore, an investment scheme with a history of bankruptcies of companies such as Ficrea and Alta Servicios Financieros, or Caja Invercrece; the above in the face of the refusal of authorization by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) for AlquimiaPay to operate as an Electronic Payment Fund Institution (IFPE).
AlquimiaPay relied on the CNBV resolution and not only obtained a suspension of the challenged act, but also obtained a judge’s order to the financial supervisor not to make the suspension public and to maintain the unauthorized IFPE in the eighth transitory provision of the Fintech Law.
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This allowed Loredo Foyo’s company to structure a network of fundraising, loans and national and international transfers.
The fact is that when the legal vice-presidency of the CNBV was about to win the suspension against the protection, AlquimiaPay withdrew from the challenged act, because they had already announced that they had acquired control of the SOFIPO: Financiera Más, at the end of 2023, and with this they intended to save the process of change of control.
Loredo Foyo paid for Financiera Más, but the CNBV has not authorized the change of control and, on the contrary, the legal vice-presidency of the aforementioned CNBV, through its general directorate of Inspection Visits, began an investigation for irregular fundraising of the SOFIPO Financiera Más.
AlquimiaPay has no direct link to SPEI or SPID, they did so through ASP and, through journalistic investigations, it has transpired that they were allegedly “disconnected” since last July.
It is also reported that in this scenario Loredo Foyo started a supposedly “remedial” investment round, to raise 500 million pesos of capital, with a minimum ticket of 20 million pesos and a payment rate of 18%, a complete document that has been sent to the aforementioned vice-presidency of the CNBV.
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AlquimiaPay has urgently announced that it is seeking to remedy the situation of the platform, while in the same statement it reports that it intends to raise one and a half billion pesos. Some investors have already posted the email in which they seek to clarify their concerns and notify the corresponding authority:
[email protected]
2024-08-22 18:43:13