Getting a bladder infection in the summer is easy
During the summer, there are certain factors that increase the risk of bladder and tract infections. The pharmacist names the most common reasons:
“First of all, heat promotes sweating, which causes the body to lose more fluids. As a result, the amount of urine decreases, which leads to a higher concentration of bacteria in the urinary tract.
In addition, in the summer we use public swimming pools, hot tubs, and saunas more often, where we can come into contact with bacteria that cause inflammation of the bladder. Also, one of the most common causes of bladder infections is a long stay in a wet bathing suit, which creates a suitable environment for the development of infections,” says pharmacist G. Kruopytė.
According to her, there are many more causes of bladder inflammation. It is often determined by improper personal hygiene, hormonal changes, and weakening of the immune system. However, there are also taboo reasons that not everyone is willing to talk about.
“One of the most common causes is the bacteria Escherichia coli living in the human intestines, which cause an infection when they enter the bladder. They can get here by improperly wiping after a bowel movement – from the back to the front.
This is how bacteria from the intestine enter the urinary tract. Also, some women are prone to cystitis after intercourse due to mechanical irritation of the urinary tract. These are very natural causes of inflammation of the urinary bladder, so we should not avoid talking about it,” says pharmacist G. Kruopytė.
How to relieve pain?
The symptoms of bladder inflammation can be very unpleasant and painful, but there are some ways to relieve them.
“First of all, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, especially water. This helps to flush out the urinary tract and reduce the amount of bacteria. Heat, such as a heating pad or lying in a warm bath, can also help relieve pain. And of course, avoid foods and drinks that can irritate the bladder. These would be coffee, alcohol, spicy food and citrus fruits”, says G. Kruopytė.
However, the pharmacist warns – if you feel bladder symptoms, do not delay and first consult a doctor who will conduct tests and prescribe the most suitable treatment for you. She reminds that antibiotics can be prescribed to treat bladder inflammation.
What will help prevent this infection in the future?
“The most important thing is proper personal hygiene. Efforts should be made to clean the intimate area from front to back to prevent bacteria from the intestines from entering the urinary tract. Also, try not to catch a cold – avoid sitting on cold surfaces, and wear wet clothes and bathing suits as little as possible.
In addition, it is very important not to suffer in order to urinate, because retention of urine can also increase the risk of infection,” says pharmacist G. Kruopytė.
According to the pharmacist, some women who are prone to inflammation of the bladder additionally use preparations with cranberries or drink cranberry juice, as well as preparations with D-mannose. All of these can help reduce the adhesion of bacteria to the walls of the urinary tract.
2024-08-22 22:06:26