Rabbi Ariel: “Young people rely on the elderly, and the elderly rely on the elderly”

by time news

With the publication of the second volume of the ‘Ahali Halacha’ series, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel published a congratulatory letter in which he wrote:

The second book in the new Halacha book series ‘Ahali Halacha’ has been published ahead of Purim. This is a series that aims to be an alternative to Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s ‘Pearls of Halacha’ series in the religious community.

The editor of the booklet is Rabbi Meir Barali, rabbi of Asahel. Members include Rabbi Ben Zion Algazi, Rosh Yeshivat Ramat Gan, Rabbi Yehuda Amichai, Head of the Torah and time Institute, and Rabbi Dudi Dodkevich, Rosh Yeshivat Yitzhar and Rabbi of the Yishuv.

Rabbi Yaakov Ariel has published a congratulatory letter for the new booklet “Ahali Halacha”, which will deal with the laws of Purim. “In honor of Rabbi Meir Barali, and the team that deals with clarifying the laws and writing them in the” tents of halakhah. “Greetings to those who love your Torah.

“You also addressed new questions that came up, touched and searched in the books of recent arbitrators, and found decisions on these questions. You mentioned the sources for each ruling, so that anyone who wants to know who you trust can read the source and learn what he relies on.”

“This is the way of Torah, that young people rely on elders, and elders on elders from them. Everyone considers themselves responsible for the continuous continuation of the Torah, from Sinai to the future to come. In fact, save and do and sustain. “

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