Smart working, the rules change. Individual agreements are required from 1 April

by time news

Smart working, the “hybrid work” hypothesis starting from 1 April

The Coronaviru emergencys is about to end, from March 31st the coloring system for the Regions and many other rules closely related to pandemic. The return to normal will also affect the work. From the April 1st in fact – we read in the Press – also the rules for it smart working will change, and in a rather radical way with respect to what has been established up to now since government. In 2021 more than seven million people have used remote work, almost a third of the total. According to a survey by INAPP, the national institute for the analysis of public policies, half of the employees (46%) would like continue the experience of agile work at least once a week, when the situation returns to normal. So what will happen when the state of emergency ends on March 31st? From a regulatory point of view, the reference to follow is the Law 81 of 2017 which provides a individual agreement between worker e the company to define a smart working relationship.

The government however, – continues the Press – is evaluating a new solution, it is the “work-hybrid“This seems to be the most likely point of fall of the post-pandemic working world, compared to “home working” that characterized the most acute phase of Covid. Moreover, Istat in 2020 certified that, despite the virus, the productivity of Italians increased by 1.3%. Clerical brackets are those most interested in maintaining an agile work share to better reconcile life and work times. At the same time the big business they see an opportunity for contain costs: having fewer people in the office, for example, does save on energyon maintenance and in the future it encourages the transfer to smaller premises and with rentals more bass.


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