Final plan for the Blue Coast: 14,100 housing units in the new district of Herzliya

by time news

The plan was approved after increasing the number of housing units and will be divided into three complexes. Hundreds of apartments will be for long-term rent at a reduced market price

Posted on: 28.2.22 09:06

The Planning Administration announced that the Tel Aviv District Committee has approved the validation of the ‘Blue Coast’ plan – a new urban district in southwestern Herzliya. The new district includes 14,100 housing units, public areas, employment and commercial areas, about 2,000 hotel rooms, as well as coastal park areas totaling 690 dunams. Most of the area of ​​the district is privately owned, and the rest is owned by the Israel Land Authority and the Herzliya Municipality. The district is divided into three planning complexes where detailed plans will be promoted. The new district includes 14,100 housing units in residential buildings of various heights: relatively low and tiered construction of 6-8 floors from west (beach) to east (Route 2), and a combination of taller construction that is also tiered from 8 floors to 30 floors In the employment area in its eastern part.

Imaging, Azure Beach Kaiser Architects and Urban Planners

Following the objections submitted to the district committee, it was decided to increase the scope of housing units proposed in the plan entrusted from 12,500 housing units to 14,100 housing units. The committee determined an addition of 1,600 affordable housing units to the private market, in addition to about 1,890 affordable housing units to be managed by the local authority, including the definition of 40% affordable housing owned by private individuals for long-term rent at a reduced price from the market, to ensure diversity. Wide in the future quarter.

In addition to the housing units, the district includes about 640,000 square meters of space for local and all-urban public buildings, about 680,000 square meters of employment space, about 30,000 square meters of commercial space, about 2,000 hotel rooms, 690 dunams of coastal park in addition to 130 dunams of open space, including an archeological park and urban nature in Tel Michal. The plan for the establishment of the quarter offers along Road 2 employment buildings as a continuation of the western business district of Herzliya.

The Tel Aviv District Planner at the Planning Administration, Archbishop Erez Ben Eliezer, said: “This is a plan to establish an intensive urban district that will combine housing, public buildings, employment, commerce and hotels. “The plan is an urban continuum that connects the Dov district south of the marina and the renewed employment area in Herzliya Pituach, all while relying on transportation on the green line of the light rail coming from the center of Tel Aviv.”

The boundaries of the district are: in the south an urban district northwest of Tel Aviv, east of Highway 2 and Derech Yeshayahu Leibowitz, north of Abba Even Street, west of the marina and the kurkar cliff line along the beach. The plan is an initiative of the Herzliya Municipality and was prepared by Kaiser Architects and Urban Planners.

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