Supermarkets, can you bring your dog? The lawyer’s answer clears up any doubts

by time news

Can you bring your dog into supermarkets? The issue is still widely debated: there is no national law, individual municipalities decide and then supermarket chains adapt accordingly. The response of lawyer Massimiliano Dona.

The possibility of bringing your dog to supermarkets is a topic that has always been discussed, favorable and against. While pet owners feel the need to share every moment of their lives with their faithful companions, on the other hand there are those who fear hygiene and safety issues. It is therefore necessary to find a compromise.

Massimiliano Dona, a lawyer who is always very attentive to consumer protection, spoke about the topic in a video recently published on TikTok. In the video in question, you can see a dog being brought into a supermarket by its owner. The question of whether or not it is possible to bring a dog into a supermarket is, in reality, still open. On the subject, Dona explained, there have in fact been several circulars from the Ministry of Health. In fact, in our country, there is no a law that explicitly prohibits entry of dogs in supermarkets.


The general rule is that dogs cannot enter in any way places where food is served to avoid the risk of compromising hygiene and safety. 🚫 Supermarkets are no exception because they are not exclusively a place of distribution (where, that is, packaged foods are sold) since there are often also delicatessens, fishmongers or butchers, and not infrequently corners dedicated to ready-to-eat foods. However, also following the publication of some municipal regulations, even the Ministry of Health itself has admitted that it is the owner of the store who can authorize or not the access of dogs, if necessary by providing suitable procedures to guarantee hygiene and safety so that the animals do not come into contact with the food (such as dedicated trolleys, for example, which I talk about in this video… ) 🐶 #consumers #dogs #animals #access #supermarket #prohibition #cart #voilosapevate

♬ original sound – massimiliano dona

Dogs in supermarkets, what is the situation in Italy?

Dogs in supermarkets, are they allowed in Italy? The lawyer’s response. Source: TikTok

The Ministry of Health, with its circulars, had theoretically tried to prohibit access to pets in places where food is prepared or sold. At the municipal level, however, many regulations have instead the presence of animals is permitted. To date, therefore, according to the Ministry of Health it is the single chain to decide on the possibility. The same supermarket chain, however, can decide under which conditions the entry of an animal into its stores is permitted. In this way it will be possible to avoid contact with food.

The decision, therefore, currently rests with the individual municipalities. If the municipalities give the green light, it is then up to the points of sale to regulate this possibility. Generally speaking, it is required that the dog be kept on a leash and, in some cases, even muzzled. The decision to allow animals into supermarkets obviously has its pros and cons: among the pros are the strengthening of the bond, convenience and inclusiveness. There is no shortage of cons, especially regarding hygiene and safety. To date, in short, the question still remains open and widely debated. Therefore, further regulatory interventions will be needed to regulate this situation. In any case, dog owners are advised to get informed before going to a supermarket: among the suggestions are those of choosing the right times and of equipping oneself with everything necessary in case of emergencies.

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