Roads searched. More and more vehicles found without insurance

by time news

The roads of Terni were combed in the summer of 2024 with a figure that emerges and is worrying: out of 724 fines issued by the police, 39 concern the lack of insurance coverage. The State Police, starting from the month of June, has intensified checks on the roads of the province of Terni, with particular attention to weekends and days of exodus. Specifically, the Terni Traffic Police Section has deployed approximately 500 patrols to date, checking 2,374 vehicles. And here, precisely, the worrying figure: 724 fines were issued, of which 39 for the lack of insurance coverage and 92 for not having submitted the vehicle for periodic inspection.

Eight licenses revoked for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

“In addition to the control activity, the Terni centaurs took to the field in the splendid setting of Piazza Duomo in Orvieto, with the State Police campaign “E…State con noi” – they underline from the Terni police headquarters – where they met numerous citizens, dispensing advice on the topic of road safety or having them try the interactive carpets to test their reflexes on a route using distorting glasses that simulate the state of psychophysical alteration from alcohol or narcotic substances”.

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