“Strategic nuclear weapons aimed at the US and tactical nuclear weapons aimed at South Korea
“The goal is to build nuclear credibility for conventional provocations”
“Collapse of extended deterrence… Adjustment of US nuclear posture ahead of South Korea’s nuclear armament”
Voice of America (VOA) reported on the 24th (local time) that former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Asia-Pacific Security Affairs Richard Lawless said that North Korea’s denuclearization is impossible and that North Korea is a complete and de facto nuclear state.
Former Deputy Secretary of State Rollis also said that North Korea “recently claims to have deployed a large number of tactical nuclear weapons to the front lines. This is a real threat,” and predicted that “this issue will once again spark discussions about redeploying nuclear weapons in South Korea.”
However, he pointed out that “it would be politically and economically very costly for South Korea to develop its own nuclear capabilities,” and that “it would be a difficult decision to justify when considering practical, operational, and strategic factors.”
He went on to say that he agrees that extended deterrence is “collapsing and needs to be strengthened,” and stressed that South Korea should fully consider other options before acquiring nuclear weapons, such as adjusting the U.S. nuclear posture in the region.
He analyzed that this is an attempt by North Korea to build nuclear ‘reliability’ so that it can carry out conventional provocations, saying, “We should pay attention to the fact that North Korea is placing much more emphasis on the fact that it is deploying strategic nuclear weapons that can put the United States within striking distance and tactical nuclear weapons that can strike South Korea.”
Deputy Assistant Secretary Rollis assessed that if North Korea carries out conventional provocations, South Korea will be forced to ask the U.S., “Is extended deterrence effective?” and South Korean politics could fall into chaos, adding that “North Korea’s goal is to acquire such capabilities.”
He then pointed out that the fact that the Democratic Party platform did not include any mention of North Korea’s denuclearization and that the Republican Party platform did not mention North and South Korea “reflects the perception that North Korea’s denuclearization is impossible.”
He stressed that the United States “lived for over 20 years lying that North Korea had the capability to build nuclear weapons,” and that “the omission of that phrase means that we have entered a new era in which we must accept and deter North Korea as a full-fledged nuclear state.”
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