Bad weather in Campania: landslides and evacuations in San Felice a Cancello and other affected areas

by time news

The Campania was recently hit by severe weather, with bro e floods which have caused serious inconvenience. A San Felice a Cancelloin particular, dramatic events have been recorded with evacuations in progress, while rescue teams have been activated to search for missing people and provide assistance to citizens in difficulty. Emergencies are not limited to this area, also involving the Municipality of Baiano, Cardinal’s Mill e Sirignano in Irpinia.

The intervention of the firefighters in San Felice a Cancello

Landslide and critical situation in Talanico

I firefighters were mobilized in the hamlet of Talanicoa San Felice a Cancelloin the province of Casertadue to a brake caused by persistent bad weather. The commander of the fire brigade of Caserta, Paul Maximisaid: «We are converging all available means in Talanico, including search dogs»The intervention was made necessary by the invasion of mud e debris which hit the streets, with numerous homes flooded and cars overwhelmed by a veritable river of mud.

The landslide was triggered by heavy rainswhich have weakened the soil, already tested by the lack of vegetation following the fires in August which destroyed much of the pineta in the surrounding hilly areas. This created dangerous conditions, leading to the flooding of cellars e garage and causing fears for the fate of two people, who are missing. Rescue operations are in full swing and the Civil Protection is providing active support.

Clear signs of damage and risk to the community

Mud has invaded the streets and brought the community to its knees Talanicocausing panic among residents. The blocked cars and the damage to the owners are putting a strain on the residents, forced to leave their homes. With the help of the operators, we are proceeding to verify the situation of each house affected by the phenomenon. firefighterstogether with teams of volunteers, work to ensure maximum safety for the population and limit risks.

Damage and rescue in Irpinia

Cloudburst and its consequences

In the late afternoon, the Campania recorded heavy rains which caused floods even in the neighbouring municipalities, in particular in Irpinia. A Bahian, Cardinal’s Mill e Sirignanothe streets were invaded by a torrent of water and mud. While the rescuers of the Royal Lagno They worked tirelessly, hundreds of motorists were freed from their vehicles in difficulty. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries.

The situation in the affected municipalities is critical; the State Road 7 was completely invaded, preventing safe passage and creating obstacles for rescue vehicles. Even the volunteers of the Civil Protection They played a crucial role, working with law enforcement officials to restore normalcy after heavy rains, which left roads impassable.

Episodes of fear among residents

In particular, moments of panic occurred for a young boy of 12 years oldwho managed to save himself after being trapped in a flooded house. By holding on to the railings and climbing to the first floor, the young man managed to escape the water that had completely invaded the ground floor. Although the situation is critical, the authorities are carefully monitoring the situation and carrying out all necessary operations to ensure the safety of the population.

Improved weather conditions

Changes in the weather

After days of heavy rain and inconvenience, the weather conditions in Campania have shown signs of improvement. However, while the situation is starting to stabilize, signs of bad weather continue to take a toll on communities, while relief operations continue. The temporary closure of theA16 Naples-Canosarespecting the needs of emergency vehicles and public safety.

Monitoring the territory continues to be a priority for local authorities, who are firmly committed to preventing further damage and ensuring the well-being of citizens. The relief campaign remains active, with intervention forces ready to respond to any emergency.

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