“Following the above serious allegations, it is proposed to hold a quick discussion in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee”

by time news

Following the claims of Yesha Council Chairman David Elhayani, according to which the government freezes settlement in Judea and Samaria – MK Yom Tov Kalfon of the right-wing party demands that Knesset Speaker Miki Levy convene a discussion on the issue in the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

In a letter sent by Kalfon to Levy, it was stated that “last weekend in an interview with Yedioth Ha – Yedioth, the chairman of the Yesha Council and the head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council, David Elhayeni, claimed that the Ministry of Defense was actually freezing construction in Judea and Samaria.”

Later in his letter, Kalfon added, “According to the chairman of the Yesha Council, the Supreme Planning Council of the Civil Administration has not been convened for three months and there is no future date for its convening.” In addition, the implementation of the agreement on the establishment of the yeshiva in Eviatar is also stuck, according to Elhayani, although the survey determined that 60 dunams of the hill can be declared state land, but the announcement has not yet been made by the Ministry of Defense.

Chairman of the Jordan Valley Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council, David Elhiani. Photo: Dudi Vaknin

In conclusion, he wrote, “Following the above-mentioned harsh allegations, it is proposed to hold a quick discussion in the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee in order to hear the position of the relevant parties and find a solution to the issue.”

In an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth published at the end of last week, Elhayeni told journalist Elisha Ben-Kimon that “in fact, Ganz froze construction in Judea and Samaria. This is not an interpretation or an assessment, but facts. “Without announcing it out loud, without consulting Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, without any discussion in the cabinet, he simply froze construction in the settlement.”

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