Kunnskapsminister Kari Nessa Nordtun Declines Storting Seat, Prioritizes Family Flexibility

by time news

– I have decided not to make myself available this time, because I need a flexibility that a parliamentary position cannot give me, says Minister of Education Kari Nessa Nordtun to NRK.

The Minister of Education has kept her political ambitions close to her chest.

But now the bubble has burst. Nessa Nordtun is not pursuing a parliamentary seat.

– This is a decision that my family and I have spent many months deliberating. It is difficult, but I am motivated to continue in national politics and hope I get the opportunity to do so, she says.

She emphasizes, however, that she wishes to continue as the Minister of Education.

– I will do everything I can to remain in the government. I have a lot left to do in the field of education.

In October last year, seven new ministers were presented. Among them was Kari Nessa Nordtun.

Photo: Alf Simensen / Nrk

Busy everyday life

– Right now, I have three small boys, and that requires flexibility in my work situation. That’s what my current job provides.

As a parliamentary representative, you are bound to four years in the job.

– If unforeseen situations arise in life, you cannot break that four-year period. That is the main reason I choose not to make myself available for a parliamentary position.

– Must accommodate family life

– I think it’s a shame, but it’s not so surprising. She has a family situation that everyone has been aware of, says the chairman of the nomination committee in Rogaland Ap, Arne Buchholdt Espedal.

He believes this is the case for many in politics.

Arne Buchholdt Espedal

Chairman of the nomination committee in Rogaland Ap, Arne Buchholdt Espedal.

Photo: The Labour Party

– Many, from several parties, decline when they have small children. We need to look at what makes it so we cannot facilitate for people with children to be involved in politics.

However, he is not worried about finding a new candidate for parliament.

– Fortunately, we have many skilled people in Rogaland Ap. The list of suggested candidates is significantly longer than there are seats in parliament.

– Potential new prime minister

The three current parliamentary representatives for the Rogaland Labour Party will also not be seen on the nomination lists next fall.

Earlier this year, it became known that Hadia Tajik, Torstein Tvedt Solberg, and Tove Elise Madland do not wish to continue in parliament in 2025.

Tvedt Solberg did not hide the fact that he believes the Labour Party needs renewal and praised Nessa Nordtun after her great success as a local politician.

And according to Stavanger Aftenblad, Nessa Nordtun was nominated as the main candidate after a membership meeting in Stavanger Ap, even though it was not cleared with her that this was the wish.

Additionally, party veteran Thorbjørn Berntsen pointed out Nessa Nordtun as a possible future prime minister last year, writes TV2.

Nessa Nordtun thinks it’s nice to receive trust from her colleagues.

– I am incredibly grateful for all the support and the nice comments. The decision has not been easy, but they can be assured that I will continue to fight for schools and kindergartens, she says.


The blue city of Stavanger got a red mayor with Kari Nessa Nordtun in 2019. But even free buses could not save Nordtun in her re-election bid last year.

Even with the most votes, Høyre’s Sissel Knutsen Hegdal had support from 34 representatives, thus gaining the majority in the municipal council.

The mayoral duel in Stavanger is between Kari Nessa Nordtun (Ap) and Sissel Knutsen Hegdal (H)

Høyre’s Sissel Knutsen Hegdal won the duel over Stavanger after the election last fall.

Photo: Øystein Otterdal / NRK

Shortly after Nessa Nordtun gave up the mayoral chain, speculation about a ministerial position began, and soon after it became known that she became the government’s new Minister of Education.

27.08.2024, at 12.50

27.08.2024, at 13.44

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