The 50th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation begins

by times news cr

Lean – conscious

The work of the fiftieth session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation was launched in the capital of Cameroon, Yaounde, under the title: “Developing transport and communication infrastructure within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation: a key tool to fight poverty and insecurity,” and under patronage of the President of Cameroon, Paul Biya..

At the beginning of the session, the Prime Minister of Cameroon, Joseph Diol Ngoti, emphasized his country’s support for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The Prime Minister of Cameroon emphasized the centrality of the Palestinian issue, the need to implement the two-state solution, and to stop the aggression of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people..

The Minister of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Cameroon, Loujean Mbila Mbila, gave his country’s speech after assuming the presidency of the session, in which he welcomed the guests of the fiftieth session, which coincides with the fiftieth anniversary of Cameroon’s accession. with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in 1974, and also expressed his gratitude to the President of the 49th session, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mauritania, Mohamed Salem Ould Marzouk for the good management of the previous session.

The Minister emphasized the importance of the motto of the fiftieth session, “Developing the transport and communication infrastructure within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation: a major tool to fight poverty and insecurity.” He emphasized the importance of development and the establishment of peace and security for the member states, noting the escalation and violence in Palestine and affirming the principle of the two-state solution..

For his part, the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Hussein Ibrahim Taha, in his speech expressed his sincere gratitude to the Cameroonian authorities for the measures and arrangements they made to ensure the success of the session, praising the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Thank you for the generous support she provides to the organization.

He explained that “the issue of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif has seen serious developments that represent a challenge to the international community in general, and to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in particular, as the Zionist occupation forces continued their an unprecedented military attack. against the Gaza Strip and all parts of the Palestinian territories, including the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif, which caused thousands of casualties.””.

Taha pointed out that “the organization continues to make efforts to combat the consequences of the brutal Zionist attack against the Palestinian people and to strengthen the stability of this community in their land and to protect their legitimate rights,” noting that strong in this regard “the need for unity. our joint efforts to implement the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly that calls for an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire and to ensure adequate and sustainable access for humanitarian aid to all parts of the Gaza Strip.

It related to the organization’s “efforts in Afghanistan in the humanitarian field and within the framework of constructive dialogue on various issues, in particular the ongoing ban on girls’ education, women’s work, and their participation in public life,” noting that “efforts of the organization. continued through the continuous visits of the Special Envoy of the General Secretary and student delegations.” And the relevant institutions of the organization to Afghanistan, in order to dialogue with the de facto government to end this embargo.”

Taha reiterated “the principled position of the OIC in supporting the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, welcoming in the same context the end of the armed conflict between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia and the restoration of the Republic of Azerbaijan to its sovereignty and territorial integrity within its national borders ,” and expressing “his deep concern for the fate of the forcibly deported Azerbaijanis.” from the territory of Armenia as it is today.

He stressed that “the organization will continue its efforts to protect the interests of Muslim groups and communities in non-member states,” pointing out in this regard the issue of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, and expressing the hope he has this question, which is facing. serious challenges, they will receive more support and solidarity from the Member States..

He stressed that “the organization will continue its efforts in the field of combating terrorism, addressing demonstrations of Islamophobia and religious hatred, and promoting dialogue between religions and cultures, in collaboration with international partners,” noting in this context that the Special Envoy of the Council should. The Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation related to the fight against Islamophobia will soon take up his duties.”

Taha indicated that “the organization will continue its efforts to prepare for the conference of donors to support the displaced and refugees in the Sahel region and the Lake Chad Basin, which is to be held on October 26, 2024 at the headquarters of the Islamic Organization. Cooperation in Jeddah,” expressing “deep gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its hospitality in hosting this conference and for its commendable efforts to ensure proper conditions for its holding.”.

Afterwards, the Saudi Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Engineer Walid bin Abdulkarim Al-Khuraiji, emphasized in his speech, “the importance of the role that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has played since its establishment in serving on Islamic issues in various fields, and to defend the role. the interests of Muslims through its positive action to face various challenges,” expressing the Kingdom’s “desires to strengthen Joint work on issues of concern to the Islamic nation at various levels, and to push Islamic joint action to wider fields and wider areas to ensure a better future for our Islamic nation.”

Al-Khuraiji renewed the Kingdom’s condemnation and rejection of the occupation forces of all kinds of crimes against the Palestinian people, saying: “The occupation forces of Israel are indifferent to resolutions and international laws, which have claimed the lives of thousands of Palestinians, and most of them women, children and innocent civilians, amid a lack of international accountability and the inability to take action.

The Saudi Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs praised “what the Kingdom has provided alongside the fellow countries to stop the Zionist attack against the Palestinian people, which left, while chairing the committee ministerial that arose from the extraordinary Arab-Islamic summit in Riyadh, in the recognition of some countries in the West of the sister State of Palestine,” noting in the same extent the decision of the Arab-Islamic Summit regarding legal center set up to document violations, and a media center.

He emphasized that “the Kingdom continues to provide relief aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip with public participation, through the popular campaign for relief for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, launched by King Salman for Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center, where the value is. Donations have reached more than 185 million dollars so far.”

With regard to the crisis in Sudan, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs reiterated “the Kingdom’s firm positions on preserving the security and stability of Sudan, and its demand in this regard that parties to the Sudanese crisis return to the dialogue to make Sudan suffer more. .”.

Regarding the Yemen issue, Al-Khuraiji indicated that “the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques continues to support efforts to resolve the crisis in Yemen fraternally, and its efforts to restore peace and restore security and stability there , reiterating the Kingdom’s strategy. initiative to end the war and reach a comprehensive political solution,” warned “the danger of the escalation in the Red Sea region, which undermines efforts to secure and stabilize international shipping lanes and world trade maintain, and threaten freedom of navigation and the growth of the world economy..

He emphasized that “the Kingdom has never hesitated to take advantage of all its capabilities to attend to humanitarian issues, and to work to provide development support to brotherly and friendly countries, for the sake of the growth and prosperity of the region and the deep We welcome the member states. , their institutions, and international donor partners for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Donors Conference, which she will be hosting.” The Kingdom during October 2024.

Al-Khuraiji pointed out, “The Kingdom is continuing its efforts alongside the Republic of the Maldives Islands to hold a conference entitled “Improving Integrity in the Tourism Sector,” to improve the goals of Islamic activity, asking the agencies concerned. fight corruption and tourism in the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to participate in this important conference.”

During the first day of the conference, the head of the Palestinian delegation, Riyad Mansour, “gave the attendees comprehensive information on the latest situation in Palestine, noting the initiative of the President to go to the Gaza Strip,” noting “the advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice, and to continue the campaign to recognize the State of Palestine and to achieve full membership in the United Nations.”.

Assistant Secretaries General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation also took the oath during the first day of the session.

Ambassador Samir Bakr Dhiab of the State of Palestine for the position of Assistant Secretary General for Palestinian and Jerusalem Affairs, Ambassador Tariq Ali Bakhit of the Republic of Sudan for the position of Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian, Cultural and Social Affairs, and Youssef bin Muhammad Al-Dubaie of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the post of Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, Ambassador Ahmed Kawesa Sengendu of the Republic of Uganda for the post of Assistant Secretary General for Economic Affairs, Ambassador Aftab Koker of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the post of Assistant Secretary General for Science and Technology, and Ambassador Musa Kulaklikaya from the Republic of Turkey for the position of Assistant Secretary General for Administrative and Financial Affairs.

In the fiftieth session of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs many important and urgent decisions and issues are discussed in the political fields, the issue of Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif, economic affairs, science and technology, cultural and social issues, women, youth and elderly people, humanitarian affairs, media issues, legal, institutional and regulatory issues, and other important issues for the Islamic world.

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2024-08-31 00:24:29

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