Reggio Calabria, three prison police officers under investigation for aggravated injuries and torture on a 29-year-old inmate

by time news

The scene is not the one that brought the prison to the headlines Santa Maria Capua Vetere. But the suspicion is that inside the prison of “San Pietro”, a Reggio Calabria, one inmate was beaten by the guards. In recent days, the mobile team has notified three warranties to as many members of the prison police. For all, the accusatory hypothesis is aggravated personal injury and torture. The investigations, coordinated by the prosecutor Giovanni Bombardieri and by the prosecutor Sara Perazzan, aim to shed light on the events that took place last January 22, the same day in which the Minister of Justice was present in Reggio Calabria Marta Cartabia.

While the Keeper was inaugurating the judicial year at the Carabinieri Allievi School, in fact, the beating of a Neapolitan prisoner considered a leading exponent of the Camorra. It is about Alessio Peluso, who in September had already created some problems inside the Frosinone prison where, with a drone, he would have managed to get a gun inside which was then used against some inmates with whom he had quarreled. For this reason, the 29-year-old was transferred to Reggio Calabria in recent months where he was allegedly attacked by the prison guards. Connected by videoconference with the Court of Naples, a few days after the alleged beating, Peluso reported the episode by taking off his shirt to show the judge the signs of the mistreatment suffered inside the prison of San Pietro.

Alerted the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Reggio Calabriatherefore, Deputy Prosecutor Perazzan opened a file. The prosecutor went to the prison and questioned the Neapolitan inmate who would have confirmed his version. The magistrate also ordered the mobile squad to seize the images recorded by the video surveillance system. According to what transpires, in fact, it would seem that the cameras have at least partially captured the scene. Hence the registration in the register of suspects of the three prison police officers who have already been heard by the public prosecutor. Nothing is leaked about their interrogations but it is not excluded that there may be other prison guards involved in the affair.

A bad story that the union had also reported Osapp. In a press release sent to the newspapers on January 23, the regional secretary Maurizio Policaro and the Deputy Secretary General Pasquale Montesano they had spoken, in fact, of disorders caused by “AP of Neapolitan origins” in the prison. It was obviously Alessio Peluso. Following the visit of Minister Cartabia, in addition to reporting the conditions of the prison (“very serious shortage of staff and unsustainable conditions of service”), the unions had accused the detainee from Campania of having “given rise to yet another protest jeopardizing the ‘order and safety of the institute “. A completely different version from that of Peluso and on which now, thanks to the videos seized, the Public Prosecutor of Reggio Calabria will have to clarify.

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