(ANSA) – ROME, 02 SEPTEMBER – The “SpecializzazioneIntelligente” program presented by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy led by Minister Adolfo Urso starts today with the online desk for pre-filling applications. The plan includes incentives for experimental research and development projects of companies located in the regions of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily. The intervention, activated within the scope of the Fund for sustainable growth, has an allocation of over 470 million euros, of which 328 million for the granting of subsidized loans and 145 million for direct contributions to expenditure. From 10:00 on 10 September 2024, companies of any size located in the regions concerned, which carry out industrial, agro-industrial, artisan, industrial service and research activities, will be able to submit, even jointly, applications for assistance for projects concerning industrial research and experimental development activities, for an amount between 3 and 20 million euros.
As provided by the directorial decree of 4 July 2024 of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, applications for access to incentives can be pre-filled starting today, 2 September, through the online counter of Mediocredito Centrale, manager of the measure on behalf of the Ministry.
The opening of the facilitation procedure involves the participation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the affiliated financing banks belonging to the Italian Banking Association. The projects must include industrial research and experimental development activities that make use of key enabling technologies (KETs), in particular: nanotechnology and advanced materials, photonics and micro/nano electronics, advanced production systems, life science technologies, artificial intelligence, connection and digital security. The subsidized financing is granted for a maximum percentage of 50% of the eligible expenses and costs for large companies and 40% for small and medium-sized companies. The incentives granted in the form of a direct contribution to expenditure are structured on the basis of the size of the proposing company: 30% for small companies, 25% for medium-sized companies, 15% for large companies. (ANSA).
2024-09-02 11:48:38