As of Sunday morning, the teams in charge of the census, under the supervision of the Regional Directorate of the High Commission for Planning (HCP) in Tetouan, began their mission in 20 rural communes and 2 urban communes, in order to collect essential data intended for national and local development planning, as well as for the development of public policies for the next decade.
This census, which will continue until September 30, is carried out in application of the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations Statistical Commission, since it will provide a real picture of the population and housing.
This strategic operation has been marked, since its launch, by strong participation and remarkable cooperation from citizens, thanks to the HCP awareness campaign, which highlighted the importance of their involvement for the success of this operation on a national scale, in addition to the mobilization of local authorities.
In this regard, the provincial supervisor of the RGPH in the province of Tetouan, Narjiss Sakout, stressed that the launch of the census took place on August 30 at the provincial level, noting that the two days (August 30 and 31) were dedicated to the reconnaissance of the field, in coordination with local authorities and supervisors, and followed by a communication meeting with the supervisors marking the launch of the operation throughout the territory of the province.
In a statement to MAP, Ms. Sakout indicated that the training sessions for the census teams, as well as the awareness campaigns organized, have greatly contributed to the general mobilization, adding that the operation is taking place in good conditions, thanks to the resources mobilized to achieve the set objectives.
She also noted that approximately 696 investigators, 193 controllers and 16 supervisors are mobilized in the province of Tetouan, with the deployment of 100 vehicles, including 47 rented, and several modern work tools, welcoming the fluidity of the operation and the fruitful cooperation of local authorities, services of the Ministry of the Interior and various local actors.
Approached by MAP, several citizens expressed their commitment to this operation, noting the importance of providing accurate information to help decision-makers make fair and effective decisions.
According to the High Commission for Planning, this strategic operation will provide a real picture of the population and housing.
It should be noted that this operation involves the mobilization of significant human resources with 55,000 participants (investigators, controllers and municipal supervisors).
The results of this census will help to refine public policies, guide investments and respond to the specific needs of each region.
2024-09-03 02:47:32