Voting in Liguria. Orlando warms up the engines. But for M5s and the left wing of the Democratic Party the issue is still Renzi

by time news

Andrea Orlando is already speaking as a candidate for the Ligurian presidency, because he is. And this is demonstrated by the long post with which the former Democratic minister argues with the deputy minister and regional secretary of the Northern League Edoardo Rixi, first in the running to be a candidate and then kingmaker of the center-right that is struggling to identify a standard-bearer, on the nomination of Signorini by the center-right administrations, the infrastructures actually “wanted by the center-left” and the value of the Resistance. But if Orlando is there, and tomorrow he will probably present himself as a candidate at the National Unity Festival, the formula of the coalition remains to be defined. M5s and the left wing of the PD reiterate their reservations about the participation in any form of Italia Viva and Matteo Renzi, while Azione claims the final decision at the national summit, confirming from Rome that “as of today it will not enter the coalition”. Even if everyone admits the propensity to form homogeneous coalitions in the three Regions voting in the autumn to achieve the triplete Emilia-Romagna, Liguria and Umbria, the last ones administered by the centre-right.

In Liguria as elsewhere, an extra-large progressive field, in short, including the reformist wing or burden depending on the point of view. But there is still a long way to go. On Sunday, the Ligurian impasse was unblocked after the withdrawal of the pentastellato Luca Pirondini and the phone call between Orlando and the 5Stelle leader Giuseppe Conte, who then signed the note of support for the candidate, also confirmed by a joint note from the regional PD, M5s, Avs and Azione. A necessary move, but not a very happy one. Apart from the absence of +Europa, which confirms its “availability”, Carlo Calenda’s party has in fact contradicted the local exponents, asking for a preliminary programmatic agreement and reiterating that the “major works” disliked by the left are an “insurmountable” condition.

The symbol of Action, in short, for the moment “is not available”. Even if this aspect could be circumvented by participating in civic lists, considering that the Ligurian exponents come in part from the Democratic Party and have a strong consensus in the Region. But there is plenty of time to mend fences.

The civic route, after all, could also be the favorite of Italia Viva. It is no coincidence that Ferruccio Sansa, the center-left candidate defeated by Giovanni Toti in 2020, says “no to Italia Viva even with candidates disguised in other lists”. Because the participation of Renzi’s party is the other burning issue for the Ligurian coalition and for the center-left. The embrace with Elly Schlein in football gear was too hasty and crude, even if the Democratic secretary appears convinced of the usefulness of Renzi’s contribution, for which the tireless Goffredo Bettini has spent himself. Regional elections aside, the doubt is that he will really be able to erode moderate consensus from the center-right.

The former prime minister has even declared himself available to withdraw his representatives from Matteo Bucci’s council, who for his part denies the direct participation of Italia Viva. But the matter is thorny and also a bit ambiguous. The Renzians who have committed themselves to the Bucci council – namely the councilor Mauro Avvenente, Arianna Viscogliosi and Davide Falteri – are inclined to confirm their loyalty to the mayor. They could therefore leave Italia Viva, without betraying their loyalty to Renzi. On the other hand, the formation of a moderate reformist civic list in support of Orlando has been feared, which could also gather the representatives of Azione and above all broaden the consensus compared to the somewhat stunted ones of the centrists.

On the center-right front, yesterday Lorenzo Cuocolo, professor of economics and president of the regional finance agency (Filse), declined the offer of candidacy, lengthening the long list of personalities, especially academics, who have opted out. The journalist and member of parliament of Noi moderateti Ilaria Cavo, preferred by Toti, and the deputy mayor of Genoa Pietro Piciocchi, with the favors of the Carroccio, remain in the running.

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