Xóchitl Gálvez, Zero Impunity, Security Report, Guanajuato, corruption, Segalmex, approval polls, Ciro Gómez Leyva and more

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The President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) carries out the Morning conference today Tuesday September 3, 2024 live from the National Palace.

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Xóchitl Gálvez, Zero Impunity, Security Report, Guanajuato, corruption, Segalmex, approval polls, Ciro Gómez Leyva and more” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=”Live press conference. Tuesday, September 3, 2024 | President AMLO”>

Morning press conference: AMLO says that Xóchitl Gálvez was deceived into winning the presidential election

AMLO suggests that Xochitl Galvez They tricked her into thinking that She won the presidential election and that is why she declared herself the winner just one hour after the polling stations closed.

López Obrador points out that in the speech where he declares himself the winner in advance, Xóchitl Gálvez was reading, so he points out that “It is very likely that she did not write that and that she was lied to..

“And I understand her, I justify her, because I see that she is reading something that was written to her… in one of those cases, they even deceived her. It is very likely that she did not say that. They must have told her: ‘this is how things are, this is what you are going to say, we are going to get ahead of ourselves and we already win.’”


Morning press conference: AMLO attacks Ciro Gómez Leyva for presenting biased polls in presidential elections

AMLO criticizes the journalist Ciro Gomez Leyva remembering when in the 2012 election he presented a survey on his television program that gave a big advantage to Enrique Peña Nieto, but that in the end the difference between the two presidential candidates was not abysmal.

He also criticizes that Ciro Gómez Leyva presented the presidential election Mexico Elige surveylinked to people close to Xóchitl Gálvez.

Morning: AMLO says that “maybe” the polls about his approval “are spoon-fed,” because there are some that report 83% at the end of his six-year term

AMLO jokes that “probably” las polls on their approval at the end of his six-year term”are spooned”, since there are some published surveys that report up to 83% in his favor.

“Maybe we have like 80… because there are 80, even 83, that is, already published. If not, we’ll talk to Massive Caller.”


Morning press conference: AMLO announces report on the corruption case in Segalmex

AMLO announces that next Thursday, September 5, the Segob and the SFP will offer a report detailed on the case of embezzlement in Segalmex occurred during the current six-year term.

“The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Public Administration will be here on Thursday, because they will present the Segalmex case”


AMLO’s morning press conference: 12 thousand officials sanctioned during AMLO’s government

A total of 12 thousand 752 public officials have been sanctioned by the Secretariat of Public Function (SFP), reports the AMLO government.

The cumulative amount of economic sanctions imposed that have the status of applied and notified is 10 thousand 121 million 908 thousand 784 pesos.

Clarifies that More than one sanction may be imposed on the same public servantand that these figures vary depending on the means of defense brought forward in connection with them.

Morning press conference: AMLO rules out “serious cases” of corruption in his government

AMLO denies that during his six-year term there was “serious cases” of corruptionas he points out that he has dedicated himself to “banishing” that crime.

He admits that the most serious case is that of Segalmex, from which he points out that he has already been able to recover.a considerable amount” and there is already detainees.

“We have been dedicated to eradicating corruption from the beginning. We have not had serious cases of corruption as happened in past governments. One that is already being dealt with was that of Segalmex, a considerable amount of money was recovered and there are people in custody for this case.”


AMLO’s morning press conference: Rosa Icela Rodríguez presents Guanajuato security report

Rose Icela Rodriguez provides a special report on the causes of the insecurity in Guanajuatoamong which the following stand out:

  • León is the municipality with the most poor people in the country and the second with the most people in extreme poverty
  • Homicide was the leading cause of death among young people between 12 and 29 years of age in 2023, most of them by firearm
  • Permanence of senior officials responsible for security and the administration of justice in Guanajuato: Carlos Zamarripa completes 15 years in office as state prosecutor; his term ends in 2028
  • The entity has been governed for 33 years “with the same neoliberal economic model established by the right”
  • From 1991 to 2024 there have been 7 right-wing local governments that increased their alliances “with the traditional leadership of conservatism and the far right”
  • In Guanajuato, in recent years, the percentage of the population aged 3 to 21 who do not attend school and do not have a basic education has grown from 14.6% to 20%.
  • In 2022, the Security Strategy was implemented in Guanajuato
  • There is a drug consumption crisis in Guanajuato

AMLO’s morning press conference: Rosa Icela Rodríguez highlights a 19% reduction in intentional homicides in August 2024

The Secretary of Security, Rose Icela Rodriguezreports that 19% fewer intentional homicides were recorded in August 2024, compared to December 2018 at the start of the current administration.

As of August 2024, the number of intentional homicides recorded in the country totals 20,129.

AMLO’s morning press conference: ‘Zero Impunity’ report presented

Luis Rodríguez Bucio, Undersecretary of Security, presents the report ‘Zero impunity‘ with the main actions on the matter recorded in the last 15 days.

  • Luis Fernando ‘N’, better known as ‘Fer Italy‘ and who is a content generator on social networks, was arrested for the crime of rape to the detriment of a under 16 years of age in Huixquilucan, State of Mexico
  • Arrest of Pablo Andrei ‘N‘ for using an injunction to extort the director of a work in Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo; an event that occurred since March 15, 2024
  • linking to process of Victor ‘N‘ for his probable participation in the crimes of organized crime and operations with resources of illicit origin by simulating contracts with a company linked to Genaro Garcia Lunaformer federal Secretary of Public Security
    • According to FGR investigations, these criminal operations diverted treasury resources in an amount greater than 5 billion pesos.

The judges with recent irregular rulings, according to the Mexican government, are:

  • the Fifth District Judge in the State of Morelos, Martha Eugenia Magana Lopezgranted an ex officio suspension to various federal judges who promoted an injunction against the Reform to the Judicial Branch that is being discussed in the Chamber of Deputies
  • the Judge of the Sixth District Court of the State of Veracruz, Vicente Salazar Lopezgranted an injunction in favor of Raúl ‘N’, to render void the negative response of the Interoceanic Corridor to the request for compensation
  • the Third District Judge of Amparo and Federal Trials in the State of Chiapas, Philip V Consuelo Sotogranted an ex officio suspension to other federal judges who promoted an injunction against the reform to the Judicial Branch to avoid damages and losses that were difficult to repair.

2024-09-03 15:08:30

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