Han Dong-hoon: “Discussion on abolishing immunity for lawmakers” Lee Jae-myung: “Enactment of the law to prevent pro-Japanese figures from holding public office”

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What was discussed in the ‘private meeting’?
Lee expresses displeasure at “one-sided investigation by the prosecution”
Korea: “Enacting legislation to prevent pro-Japanese figures from holding public office is excessive”
Nuclear vs. Renewable, Energy Also Differs

Han Dong-hoon: “Discussion on abolishing immunity for lawmakers” Lee Jae-myung: “Enactment of the law to prevent pro-Japanese figures from holding public office”

Ruling and opposition party floor leaders discussing countermeasures
People Power Party floor leader Choo Kyung-ho (top right) and Democratic Party of Korea floor leader Park Chan-dae (bottom left) are talking with their party members at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the 2nd. The ruling and opposition parties, who held a meeting the day before and decided to operate a consultative body to promote common livelihood pledges, began organizing specific agenda items to be discussed at the consultative body today. Reporter Lee Hoon-goo, Newsis, [email protected]

It has been reported that when Democratic Party of Korea leader Lee Jae-myung asked People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon to “cooperate in enacting the ‘Act to Prevent Pro-Japanese Personnel Appointments to Public Offices,’” during a closed-door meeting of the ruling and opposition party leaders on the 1st, Han dismissed the request, saying, “This is not an issue that needs to be legislated.” On the other hand, when Han suggested, “Let’s create a discussion body to address political reform agendas such as the immunity of National Assembly members,” Lee reportedly expressed his displeasure and confronted him, saying, “Does it make sense for the prosecution to abolish immunity while conducting such a unilateral investigation?”

● Debate over ‘Pro-Japanese Personnel Prevention Act’ and ‘Chae Sang-byeong Special Prosecutor Act’

According to key figures from both the ruling and opposition parties on the 2nd, Representative Lee is reported to have requested cooperation on the “legislation that restricts the public office of those who deny Dokdo sovereignty or make anti-state claims such as rationalizing foreign invasion,” which he mentioned in his speech. Representative Han reportedly drew the line, saying, “That is difficult. Legislation is excessive.” A Democratic Party official added, “We agree with the purpose, but the attitude was that it would be difficult to do it together.”

Regarding the agenda of political reform, such as the abolition of immunity for members of the National Assembly, which was a pledge of the convention, Representative Han proposed, “The Democratic Party has also pursued the limitation of immunity, so let’s create a discussion organization related to political reform and pursue it together.” Representative Lee reportedly rejected this, saying, “Isn’t that kind of argument itself an agenda to attack the other party?”

The ruling and opposition parties had different opinions on the previous day’s discussion of the ‘Third Party Recommendation Special Prosecutor’s Act for Private First Class Chae’. Representative Lee sounded out Representative Han by asking, “If we submit a bill that reflects Representative Han’s thoughts, can you accept that part?” In response, Representative Han said, “‘My thoughts have not changed. However, I am in a different position. The situation within the party is a bit difficult. I will not break my word. ‘” Cho Seung-rae, the Democratic Party’s chief spokesperson who was present at the meeting, relayed, “(Representative Han) replied, ‘I am preparing a bill. ‘”

In response, People Power Party senior spokesperson Kwak Gyu-taek said, “I have never said, ‘That’s my situation,’ or ‘I am preparing a bill,’” and “Representative Han’s statement that ‘Our party is not a party that makes decisions based on the opinion of one person. We are discussing this sufficiently within the party’ was distorted.” He added, “Representative Han asked, ‘Is the Democratic Party withdrawing the bill it previously submitted?’ and Representative Lee said, ‘I don’t know,’ and the conversation did not progress.”

Regarding the energy agenda, where the ruling and opposition party leaders each mentioned a ‘joint energy declaration’ and ‘expanding renewable energy,’ it is said that the two leaders had different points of emphasis, with Representative Han emphasizing nuclear power and Representative Lee emphasizing renewable energy, and that in the end, only the common policy of promoting power grid expansion was included in the announcement.

● ‘Silence’ on private meetings between ruling and opposition party leaders

During the 40-minute-long meeting, Chief Spokesperson Cho reported that Representative Han asked, “Are you going to regularize the meeting in the future? How are you going to do it?” and Representative Lee responded, “It’s difficult to regularize it, so let’s meet often.” Both of them reportedly kept quiet to their close associates about the conversation during the meeting. A People Power Party leadership source reported, “Representative Han said, ‘They’re not talking, so I can’t talk. ’” A key source from the Democratic Party said, “Representative Lee is very tight-lipped about the content of the meeting,” and “It’s highly likely that Representative Lee, who spoke with President Yoon during the summit, told Representative Han what they talked about back then.”

Reporter Cho Kwon-hyung [email protected]
Reporter Yoon Da-bin [email protected]

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2024-09-03 15:47:18

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