Barbara Ronchi, portrait of the leading actress of Familia

by time news

Barbara Ronchi will soon return to the big screen with Familya drama film to be released on October 2, 2024 by Medusa Film, based on It won’t always be like this”, the autobiography of Luigi Celeste. The man sentenced to nine years in prison for murder, after shooting his father to protect his mother and brother, in 2008.

The film, directed by Francesco Costabile (winner of two Golden Globes and candidate for two David di Donatello), was selected for the 81st Venice International Film Festivalin the Horizons section.

Barbara Ronchi, portrait of the leading actress of Familia

Daniele Venturelli//Getty Images

But who is Barbara? Forty-two years old, Roman, actress of cinema, theater and television. Barbara Ronchi has become, for some time now, the star of an auteur cinema that knows how to choose its protagonists with care. An actress who is recognized and praised by everyone today, but who had to fight harder than others to demonstrate her undisputed value.

And for those who don’t know it yet, titles like Don’t hang up, September e Kidnapped they are proof of a talent that could only make its way.

Barbara Ronchi, the beginning of her career from archaeology to theatre

A path towards cinema that begins in an unusual way, with a three-year degree in Historical and Archaeological Sciences, that of Barbara. In addition to history, she has always had a great passion for acting. It is precisely by indulging this passion of hers, After graduation Barbara graduated from the Silvio d’Amico National Academy of Artapplying to acting what he learned at the faculty of archaeology: research. Because after all, giving life to a character is a bit like discovering its history, putting together the fragments of a personality to bring it back to life with one’s own interpretation.

After the Academy, Barbara Ronchi immediately went to the theatre, with a great passion for drama and unparalleled tenacitywhich will allow her to build up a great acting experience that, shortly thereafter, will lead her to make her debut in cinema.

Barbara RonchiBarbara Ronchi, portrait of the leading actress of Familia

Stefania D’Alessandro//Getty Images

His debut in cinema and his first years as a supporting actor

Barbara’s very first contact with the world of the big screen took place in 2013, the year in which Valeria Golino he chooses it for Miele. But it will be in 2016 that the cinema will really notice her in Have sweet dreams (film adaptation of the autobiography of Massimo Gramellini) by Marco Bellocchio. Film in which Ronchi plays the role of a mother who lives again in the memory of a son, and which will earn her the Alida Valli Award for best supporting actress.

In the following years, until 2020, he appears in several works such as The Fight, Sun and I’m Not a Murdererand again Bad Tales of the D’Innocent Brothers e Our Father Of Claudio Walnutalongside Pierfrancesco Favino.

Barbara RonchiBarbara Ronchi, portrait of the leading actress of Familia

Stefania D’Alessandro//Getty Images

A solid professional life, in short, but mostly made up of small roles. The moment of the big leap had yet to come, according to the actress herself. And it will be in 2021 that Barbara will give a turning point to her career.

Imma Tataranni, Marco Bellocchio and the David di Donatello

These are three fundamental names for Barbara Ronchi’s artistic pathwho in 2021, in addition to being the female protagonist of the film Worlddog by Alessandro Celli and takes part in I am Santa Claus directed by Edoardo Falcone, will return to play the role of Diana De Santis with great success in the successful Rai TV series Imma Tataranni – Deputy Prosecutor.

And it is thanks to this character, brought to the small screen in a masterly manner alongside Vanessa Scalerathe actress will become a familiar face for the general public. But it will be the following year that will consecrate Barbara among the great protagonists of Italian cinema.

After having been the protagonist in Tommaso Paradiso’s debut film, in fact, It was in 2022 that she finally won the David di Donatello for best leading actress for his role in Septemberthe first work by Giulia Steigerwalt, and lands for the first time at the Cannes Film Festival thanks to the part in Kidnappedby Marco Bellocchio. A film that will earn her a Silver ribbonalways as best leading actress, and a new nomination for the David di Donatellolater won by an unbeatable Paola Cortellesi for There is still tomorrow.

Private life, present and future

In a stable relationship for more than 10 years with Alexander Germansactor and theatre director, and mother of Giovanni, 6 years old, Barbara is in love with her family but has no intention of stopping.

In 2024 he is in fact the protagonist of several projectsamong which the aforementioned stands out Don’t hang up, Me and the dry by Gianluca Santoni, The Children’s Train by Cristina Comencini and Family by Francesco Costabile, with which the actress is preparing to return to the Venice Film Festival, this time as a true protagonist.

Read also: Venice Film Festival, the most beautiful Italian films ever

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