New ‘Device Replacement 2’ Program Set to Expand Subsidies for Eco-Friendly Appliances

by time news
The renewed program “I Change Device 2” – if it actually comes – will include an extension to other categories of devices.

The renewed program “I Change Device 2” is said to be on the verge of being launched, which will represent the new phase of “Recycle – Change Device,” including additional categories of electrical devices beyond air conditioners and fridge-freezers.
According to information published a few days ago in the newspaper TA NEA, announcements from the Ministry of Environment and Energy are expected within September, and the government’s goal is to cover more than double the number of beneficiaries. However, there are also reports that suggest this program will not take place.

At the same time, according to the same information, the program “Economy – I Change Device” is expected to be launched soon, which will target small businesses, will be of short duration, and will provide subsidies for the replacement of even small devices.

Sources from the Ministry of Environment and Energy indicate to “NEA” that the renewed program will also include an extension to other categories of devices. Specifically, subsidies will be available for the purchase of smart electric ovens and washing machines, allowing consumers to upgrade their electrical appliances to new, “smarter” models that offer the flexibility of remote operation. It is noted that the initial program included only air conditioners, refrigerators, and freezers.

As emphasized, these new changes can allow thousands of consumers to take advantage of new technologies and improve their daily lives, especially if the anticipated change of the night tariff to a daytime one becomes a reality.

The criteria
The new program – if announced – will target individuals and households that have old and energy-consuming appliances to replace them with new, more environmentally friendly, and energy-efficient ones.

At the same time, according to leaked information, subsidies will range from 30% to 50%, with the highest percentage available to those with an annual income below 5,000 euros, and the lowest for those with an annual income above 20,000 euros.

Finally, after the official announcements, interested parties will be able to submit applications through the specially designed digital platform.




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