green light to the collaboration agreement with the Municipality

by time news

Piazza Santa Maria Goretti is beautiful, a large square that mirrors the church of the same name. Or perhaps it is better to say: it would be beautiful. If it were more cared for, with furnishings, games for children and greenery kept in order with constant maintenance. But Piazza Santa Maria Goretti is the mirror of this city, little can be done, little or nothing, there are waves of projects and ideas that then end up in a soap bubble. This area is truly full of chiaroscuro, beautiful buildings on one side, the university, and the desperate life of many foreigners in the Nicolosi neighborhood that has become one of the nerve centers of the city, with overcrowded apartments and drug dealing. And yet it should be the flagship neighborhood of Latina, designed by the civil engineer and architect Giuseppe Nicolosi on behalf of the Istituto Case Popolari of Rome, it has about 350 apartments, originally intended for the same number of families of laborers who came to work in the Pontine area. The three-story buildings are characterized by the well-organized spaces typical of rationalist architecture, the balconies and the internal courtyards. A jewel of architecture studied in architecture faculties around the world but which has lost its splendor and has fallen into decay for years now. Piazza Santa Maria Goretti is a stone’s throw away, a bit like the Nicolosi is beautiful and neglected, if it were not for a group of citizens who take care of it and who for some months have asked to establish a collaboration pact with the Municipality. The relevant resolution was published yesterday.

Paolo Abbenda, who lives in that square, is the first signatory of the pact and explains: «You look out the window and see everything neglected, since there are four other residents who, like me, worry about keeping it in order, we thought it was necessary to do things properly, also because we go there with the lawnmower, if someone gets hurt we have no authorization to do those interventions. And so we got in touch with the municipal offices for the collaboration pact that should now be perfected. We will take care of cutting the grass and keeping it clean, because we think that very little is enough, that we citizens also need to be re-educated, if everyone takes care of what is around them the city will gain a great benefit».

The same thing happened in Latina Scalo, where a collaboration agreement was signed for interventions to care for and regenerate the area where the Monument to the fallen soldiers and civilians of all wars is located, which has been neglected for years and has been the subject of reports to the Municipality, and in Borgo Carso, where two proposals for a collaboration agreement reached the Municipality, one from the parish of Santa Maria Immacolata and the other from a group of citizens, to take care of the greenery of the Salvo D’Acquisto Park in Piazza Stefanato. In the end, the parish and citizens joined forces and will take care of it together, but after a wait that lasted months and after having repeatedly urged the Municipality since, they say, “more than a green area we are now faced with a forest and the children’s games are unusable”.


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