This is the meaning of the word fardero or farderoswhich is used for certain kind of pickpocket; We tell you what they are and how to identify them, so you can be prepared.
According to the Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City, the farderospresent a significant loss for businesses, since in 2023, this type of thieves stole 135 million pesos.
Likewise, there is no fixed area that attracts the farderos since currently They try to take what they canwhich is why the business sector has requested that measures be tightened, be creditors only of a fine.
What are thieves? Meaning of this word that defines this type of thieves
He term farderos comes from the French word “fardeau” which means load, which is used to define certain kind of thievesin this case, those who pose as clients and They take the products under their clothes.
Although the word farderos is not in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, it also refers to a bale, which is a bundle or bundle of very tight clothing, which is used to carry something from one place to another.
Los Showboats are mostly seen in department stores and supermarkets, where, according to merchants, they are usually seen more in the beauty and jewelry areasmall things of high value.
However, regardless of what was stolen, The flakers are a serious problem for a businessbecause in addition to the loss in the replacement of products, it also generates distrust towards customers.
For example, according to the asset protection company ALTO, also dedicated to reducing crime, In Mexico, the theft of the shilling merchants increases by up to 50% during the Buen Fin due to its way of working.
This is how you can identify the swindlers and their modus operandi
There are various signs to identify the farderos and consequently, prevent merchandise from being stolen since, according to figures from the Chamber of Commerce, the crime had an incidence of 50% in 2023.
In the a sackcloth-maker’s attire You can find loose-fitting or out-of-season clothing, such as baggy pants and sweatshirts, but also rebozos and even baby blankets.
Because there is also farderos who use children in their way of workingtaking advantage of diaper bags and strollers, in addition, the accessories include caps and large bags.
Likewise, these are some signs to take into account in the behaviour of the farderos:
- distraction, for example, it has become popular to provoke a fight
- They are placed in places that are not very visible
- They constantly look around
- They talk on the cell phone
- avoid safety elements
To avoid the showboats, Sales sites recommend having a security guard or cameras to try to deter this type of thieves.
2024-09-05 00:26:35