One of the main and stable pillars of the Athens Stock Exchange in recent years has been the energy sector, with the listed companies giving “current” to the Greek market, taking advantage of the great prospects in the network and RES sector.

It is no coincidence that today the 6+2 mega energy companies of A.A. are valued at a price of more than 19 million euros, making up almost 1/5 of the total value of the domestic capital market.


At the “top”, of course, we find its title Methylene (formerly Mytilineos), which has a capitalization of the order of 5 billion eurosbeing the No. 7 most valuable listed on the Greek board. Despite -6% through 2024, the stock is still at all-time highs as it marches headlong towards a historic listing on the London Stock Exchange, which is expected within 2025.

PPC – Refineries

OR PPCwith a valuation of approx 4.5 billion eurosconstitutes the second largest energy company of the A.H.. It has strengthened by 5% since the beginning of the year, only -7% away from the highs of the year and 14-year highs of 12.5 euros.

Next are the two refineries, which have come under some pressure lately, mainly due to the extraordinary contribution to last year’s profits, but still represent two very attractive options for investors.

OR Motor Oil has capitalization 2.4 billion euroswhile the Helleniq Energy follows at 2.2 billion euros, which reflects a P/E multiple ratio of just 2.6x and 4.1x, respectively.

Terna – ADMIE

Beyond that, there’s Terna Energy’s stock, which has seen its stock market value rise by at least 20% this year and surpass the 2.2 billion euros. Of course, the recent deal to sell the majority stake to the Arabs plays a key role in this upward trend, while not forgetting that a public offer by the main shareholder will follow.

Finally, his stock ADMIEafter the looming agreement on the electric connection of Crete – Cypruscomes back above the psychological threshold of 500 million euros in terms of valuation.

Cenergy – Intrakat

In addition to the above six purely energy companies, special mention should also be made of Cenergy – Intrakat, which have a strong footprint in the sector.

Considering the two have a combined capitalization of 2.6 billion euros (1.8 billion and 805 million euros, respectively), then the cumulative value of the 6+2 listed energy companies is launched above of 19 billion euroswhich corresponds to almost 1/5 of the capitalization of Athens Avenue.

The market value of the 6+2 major energy listed companies

• Mytilineos 4.9 billion euros
• PPC 4.4 billion euros
• Motor Oil 2.4 billion euros
• Helleniq Energy EUR 2.2 billion
• Terna Energy 2.2 billion euros
• Cenergy 1.8 billion euros
• Intrakat 805 million euros
• ADMIE 512 million euros

(The above is a product of journalistic research and does not constitute an invitation to buy, sell or hold any stock)

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