Among the promises is the idea of paying pensioners a one-time sum of 3 thousand. EUR payments and 40 percent increase old-age pensions, apply tax benefits to working pensioners.
“We really have to achieve this,” said V. Uspaskich at the “Peace Coalition” rally.
The founder of the Labor Party also promised to protect Lithuanian residents “from forced medical interventions”, to “prevent usury from banks”, to reduce interest rates on housing loans, as well as to simplify the conditions for calling a referendum.
“(We promise – ELTA) the opportunity to call a referendum (after collecting – ELTA) not 300 thousand, 100 thousand. of signatures and that the referendum would be counted as valid after reaching 40%. activity – just like in the Seimas elections”, said the politician, emphasizing other priorities as well – the need to create a business-friendly environment in the regions of Lithuania, to strengthen Lithuania’s regional identity, to strive for Lithuanian farmers to receive fair, direct payments.
“We will oppose the principles of the green agenda that destroy agriculture, seek that foresters be paid a fee for newly established and existing forests. This will expand forest areas and reduce air pollution,” said V. Uspaskich.
According to him, the “Peace Coalition” also promises to abandon universal conscription, defend traditional family values, stop the reform of the network of health care institutions, as well as conduct a comprehensive audit of state spending and management.
“We don’t go to the elections on our own, having thought about what we like to do. We have ordered a survey and have a clear understanding of (…) where people see the most problematic areas”, added V. Uspaskich.
ELTA reminds that the Seimas elections will be held on October 13.
14 parties and one coalition will compete for 141 parliamentary mandates – Democratic Union “For Lithuania”, Freedom Party, Liberal Sujūdis, Lithuanian Polish Election Action-Union of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS), Lithuanian People’s Party, Lithuanian Party of Regions, Lithuanian Social Democratic Party ( LSDP), Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union (LVŽS), Lithuanian Green Party, National Unification, Freedom and Justice party, Nemunas Dawn political party, Nation and Justice Union (centrists, nationalists), Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats ( TS-LKD) and the Peace Coalition.
2024-09-07 19:45:30