“It affects people under 30 more, vaccinating young people”

by time news

The “Delta” or ‘Indian’ variant of Sars-CoV-2 “affects the youth and under 30s more, and it is also logical because they are among the least vaccinated. The numbers are coming out these days.” This was underlined by Guido Rasi, former EMA number one and consultant to the commissioner for the Covid emergency, during the presentation of his book ‘Generation V’ (published by Paese Edizioni), dedicated to health professionals. Rasi also remarked how, precisely because of this aggressiveness of the Delta variant, “it is very important to vaccinate even the 12-16 year old group”.

“The cases of hospitalization of children under 30, due to the Delta variant, are low – specified Rasi – because it is a less vulnerable age group”.

On the possibility that a third dose of anri-Covid vaccine is needed, “it is very difficult to answer. Even at zero antibodies there are memory cells and the immune system can remake antibodies if stimulated. The good thing is that every month of observation we have increased the period in which to take the third “eventual” dose by one month. “I am convinced that before a year after the second dose it is not logical to redo the vaccine,” said Rasi. “It would be interesting to do third dose that includes a greater response to the variants present at that time. So prepare yes, but I don’t have an answer as to whether or not you will do the third dose,” he stressed.

As for the green light of the Italian authorities to the mix of different anti-Covid vaccines between first and second dose “it is not an experiment” done ‘on the skin’ of citizens. Nor is it “a dangerous precedent” that is created, on the contrary “quite the contrary. From the scientific point of view, of the so-called vaccinology”, heterologous vaccination is “rather a rule. The idea is widespread that changing vaccine against same target is more effective and there is a lot of literature on this. ” And also specifically, on the mix of different vaccines against Sars-CoV-2 “the data is there”, reassures Rasi.

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