NIS 7 million, will be refunded due to the collection of a more registered postage fee

by time news

The Supervisor of Banks, Mr. Yair Avidan, said that; “The Supervisor of Banks attaches great importance to the fairness of the relationship between the banks and their customers. A key tool available to the Supervisor for the Promotion of Fairness in the Banking System is the detection and treatment of a horizontal shortcoming that arises from individual complaints received from the public. The Supervisor intends to continue to act resolutely to enforce the provisions that apply in the field of bank-customer relations, including in cases of overcharges. ”

Yair Avidan, Supervisor of Banks

If you are a Bank Hapoalim customer, we have good news for you; Following the intervention of the Supervisor of Banks, Bank Hapoalim acted to amend the commission rate for the “registered mail” service in the Bank’s tariff. In addition, the bank is currently working to credit about 380,000 accounts of customers who have been overcharged in the total amount of about NIS 7 million.

Godrefund ToCustomers Reflects the gap between theFull rate We collected whatCustomers And therate Bo was charged Bank After theDiscount This is due to theExcess collection B-7 (Seven) last years.

The beginning of The case of collecting the permit BBank Hapoalim for Collection of registered mail feeBegan whenIn the Public Inquiries Unit of Bank of IsraelWas received Customer complaints of Bank Hapoalim (Hereinafter – eBank) Which raised impairment B’Overcharging of Registered postage‘.

Transverse examination of The Supervisor of BanksRaised, that Bank of IsraelOwe you invoice GodCustomers for the amount of 11.80 ₪For all Letter Who sent to them bRegistered mailWhile cooked Quantity discountsIs the bank Charged Practiced by Israel Post for the amount of 6.90 only.

The Supervisor of BanksReferred the bank to thePermanent instruction BBanking rules (Commissions)* According to Collection of third party expensesIn the present case Registered mail delivery expenses Through Israel PostShould reflect the actual expenses incurred on theBank.

This provision is also valid in the circumstances of the present case, in which at the time of sending the letter, it has not yet been determined whether eBankWill receive theDiscount MIsrael PostAnd providing eDiscountDetermined at the end of a period after weighting The amount of letters conferring theDiscount.

Supervisor of BanksMr Yair Avidan, Said that; “The Supervisor of BanksAttaches great importance to the fairness of the relationship between theBanks To their customers.

A key tool available eSupervision To promote fairness bThe banking system Is locating and handling bTransverse eclipseRising fromIndividual complaints Received from the public.

on behalf of Spokeswoman And economic information of Bank of IsraelMr. Avshalom Baranovich locate This is Israel | It’s nice here | The local news site of the whole country, Because; Intended by eSupervisionContinue to act resolutely toEnforcement of instructions Applicable in the field Bank-customer relationshipIncluding cases of Overcharging fees“.

within Increasing Godtransparency ToPublicExpands The Supervisor of Banks are youinformation Famous inthe website of Bank of Israel in the field Consumer enforcement.

Regular updates about Supervisory steps More taken towards Supervised bodiesIncluding a requirement forReturn funds To a group CustomersWill be published regularly bDedicated page Bsite of Bank of Israel.

* Part 11 of the First Schedule to the Rules of Banking (Customer Service) (Fees), 5768-2008. Regarding Part 11, see also the Supervisor of Banks’ letter to the banking system dated 2/16/22 regarding “Disclosure of the cost of the service – Part 11 of the full tariff.”

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