As the Telegram channel “Masha” reports, “Avtodor” had already started paying the American’s salary and transferred him 31 million. rubles (about 310 thousand euros).
However, some time after signing the contract, the basketball player simply disappeared. He did not fly to Russia twice, although he had received tickets twice, he did not answer calls and messages.
According to people close to the basketball player, Q. Weatherspoon’s decision not to come to the war with Ukraine in 2022 is related to the Ukrainian counterattack in the Kursk region and drone attacks in Saratov.
In this city, the team rented an apartment for the defender. Fears for his safety outweighed all sporting and financial concerns, so the NBA star decided to stay away from the Russian club.
This is not the first time that Avtodor has had its fingers wet. In the summer, the team also agreed with the Spanish defender Marc Garcia, 28 years old, 198 cm tall, but he was also unable to see him due to the war.
But unlike the NBA champion, the Spaniard informed the club of his decision to bypass Russia.
“In recent days our club has been dealing with a completely unprofessional attitude from player Quinndary Weatherspoon. The player missed several flights and did not arrive at the club’s headquarters.
“Avtodor will use all options, including legal ones, to defend its interests,” the statement said.
Now the Saratov club is forced to urgently look for legionnaires who want to come to Russia, because the start of the VTB United League is scheduled for September 21.
2024-09-10 16:33:31