The Senate will discuss today Tuesday, September 10, the reform of the judiciary, initiative promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and supported by President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum. The discussion continues minute by minute.
Senators from Morena and allies require a total of 86 votes in favor to be able to approve the reform that was already accepted in the Chamber of Deputies. The vote necessary for the 4T parties to reach a qualified majority would be Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez, reported Citlalli Hernández.
For their part, opposition legislators have to come to terms 43 votes against to stop the approval of the judicial reform. The session was Appointed for 11:00 a.m. today Tuesday, September 10th.
It should be noted that the possible approval of the reform of the judiciary It only requires a vote in favor from the opposition.
Miguel Angel Yunes Marquez He has not communicated with the PAN bench and apparently has committed a betrayal of the opposition.
Senate discusses reform of the Judicial Branch: Gerardo Fernández Noroña confirms that Daniel Barreda is not detained
The President of the Senate, Gerardo Fernandez Noronaruled out that Senator Daniel Barreda and his father have been arrested.
It was Adán Augusto López who put Senator Barreda on the phone, who confirmed in a telephone call thatHe is free and in Mexico City.
“I just spoke with Senator Barreda, who told me that he is in Mexico City and that he is in perfect condition and that neither he nor his father are detained.”
Gerardo Fernandez Norona
Senate Chamber discusses reform to the Judicial Branch: Layda Sansores affirms that it is false that Daniel Barreda was arrested
Layda Sansores, Governor of Campeche, said that it is “absolutely false” that the senator of Movimiento Ciudadano Daniel Barreda and his father were arrested on Tuesday, September 10.
He also claimed the “irresponsibility” of Jorge Álvarez Máynez for having started said rumor “without any basis.”
Senate Chamber discusses reform to the Judicial Branch: Morena rejects alleged detention of Movimiento Ciudadano senator Daniel Barreda
For its part, Adam Augusto Lopezleader of the Morena bench, assured that it is false that the senator of Movimiento Ciudadano Daniel Barreda and his father have been arrested.
“I want to respectfully tell Senator Castañeda that he is lying when he says that Daniel Barreda’s father is detained, that the senator himself has been detained. That is absolutely false.”
Adam Augusto Lopez
Likewise, Senator López highlighted that he spoke with the prosecutor’s office and the Superior Court of Justice of Campeche and confirmed that There are no arrest warrants or open investigations against the senator of the Citizen Movement or his father in the state.
“I do know where Senator Barreda is because I just spoke to him on the phone and he says he is not under arrest”
Adam Augusto Lopez
According to Adán Augusto, the senator from Movimiento Ciudadano authorized the coordinator of the Morena bench who is in Mexico City.
Senate discusses reform of the Judicial Branch: Citizen Movement denounces illegal detention of Senator Daniel Barreda
According to Clemente Castaneda, Daniel Barreda was illegally detained in Campechejust like his father, during the morning of today, Tuesday, September 10.
“I take this opportunity to make a public complaint. A couple of hours ago, the father of our colleague Senator Daniel Barreda was illegally detained by Governor Layda Sansores, by her government… We also have information that our colleague, Senator Daniel Barreda, has been illegally detained by the Governor of Campeche.”
Clemente Castañeda, senator of the Citizen Movement
He also demanded, on behalf of Movimiento Ciudadano, that the government declare a recess, “until we have full assurance that our colleague is free, in full enjoyment of his political rights because he also has, as is his right, immunity and constitutional protection.”
He also accused that it is a strategy to Winning the votes needed to approve the reform of the Judicial Branch “the hard way”.
The PAN faction also supported the request of the Citizen Movement, who also denounced that opposition senators have been threatened and pressured not to attend the session or change the direction of their vote.
Senate discusses reform of the Judicial Branch: Citizen Movement denounces arrest of Senator Daniel Barrera
In the framework of the discussion of the reform of the judiciaryCitizen Movement denounced that reprisals are being taken against Senator Daniel Barrera for speaking out against this initiative.
According to Jorge Álvarez Máynez, former presidential candidate, Layda Sansores retaliated against the senator for denouncing injustices in the government of Campeche andwas with Senator Daniel Barreda’s father in the early morning of September 10.
He also highlighted that Paul Arce, coordinator of the Citizen Movement faction in Campeche, was arrested at his children’s school.
Senate discusses reform of the Judicial Branch: Marko Cortés will expel Miguel Ángel Yunes if he votes in favor
Marko Cortes, PAN leader and senator, said that Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez or any other legislator whochange or vote in favor of the reform of the judiciary Today Tuesday September 10th, will be expelled of National Action.
In an interview with Azucena Uresti, Cortés acknowledged that Yunes’ silence speaks “very badly” of the Veracruz senator, with whom he has not had contact since last Saturday, September 7.
For this reason, he warned that, by simply missing today’s plenary session of the Senate, Yunes Marquez would be excluded from the PAN bench and expelled from the party.
“Any PAN member who is absent from this vote just because of the hearing or who votes in favor of this reform will be immediately excluded from the PAN parliamentary group and will be expelled from the National Action Party. It is not fair to play with the future of Mexico.”
Marko Cortes
However, he acknowledged that he has the esperanzaalthough little, that Miguel Angel Yunes Marquez retrain and go to the Senate to endorse his own word and vote against of judicial reform.
Senate Chamber discusses reform to the Judicial Branch: Adán Augusto López was in charge of negotiating with Yunes
Citlalli Hernandez He assured in an interview for Adela Micha that Morena and the allied parties are in a position to have, at least, the 86 votes needed to approve the reform to the Judiciary.
According to Citlalli Hernández, it is “highly probable” that Miguel Angel Yunes Marquez support the initiative of judicial reform that is being discussed today, September 10, in the Senate.
However, he stressed that to know how many votes are required, it must first be known how many legislators are present at the session in the Plenary this Tuesday and that the whose.
“It is possible, most likely, that these media reports about the possibility of Yunes accompanying are highly probable”
Citlalli Hernandez
He also assured that “It is possible” that Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez’s vote is not the only one to join the reform and have more support from opposition legislators.
Senate discusses reform of the Judicial Branch: Citlalli Hernández says that Miguel Ángel Yunes’ vote is “highly probable”
On the other hand, Citlalli Hernández highlighted that the in charge of negotiations with the legislators to obtain the necessary votes for the approval of the reform to the Judicial Branch was Adam Augusto Lopez.
He also stressed that, after these negotiations, Adán Augusto López would have achieved that Miguel Ángel Yunes joins the votes in favor from the initiative of President AMLO.
I cannot confirm this because Adán Augusto is in charge of the negotiation, but I can tell you that it is highly probable that Yunes will support the judicial reform.
Citlalli Hernandez
Senate Chamber discusses reform to the Judicial Branch: Workers seek Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez with “cacerolazo”
With a demonstration called “cacerolazo”, workers of the Judicial Branch began the Search for Senator Miguel Angel Yunes Marquezwho has not been located since the rest of the legislators spoke out against the judicial reform.
With a march that begins on Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City (CDMX) towards the Zócalo, the workers search for the PAN senator.
This march began at 7:30 a.m., where the workers of the Judicial Branch want to know the whereabouts of Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez, who has not arrived at the Senate for the discussion and vote on the rReform of the Judiciary.
Chamber of Deputies discusses reform of the Judicial Branch: Blockade and march of workers
Workers of the Judiciary They maintain a blockade against the Senate in the face of the discussion of judicial reform
However, with the called “cacerolazo” marchThe workers will march from the Senate to the Zócalo; they also assured that they will not prevent the legislators from reaching the headquarters of the Upper House.
It should be noted that since 7:30 a.m. workers and protesters against the reform of the judiciary placed candles in front of the Senate headquarters to bid farewell to the judiciary as it is now.
Reform of the Judicial Branch: Luisa María Alcalde makes a presentation at AMLO’s morning press conference
Luisa María Alcalde, head of the Ministry of the Interior, explained during the morning press conference today, September 10, that the rThe reform to the Judicial Branch has already been approved in the Senate committees and will be discussed and voted on by the Plenary.
According to the secretary, according to current legislation, Claudia Sheinbaum as president could appoint 4 ministers of the SCJN during her six-year term.
He also stressed that with this, the president-elect could ensure that the SCJN does not overturn any constitutional reform approved by the Legislative Branch.
The mayor also outlined some cases in which the federal government believes that the judiciary has interfered in electoral matters. These are:
- In December 2023, Minister Piña invited PRI leader Alejandro Moreno, Xóchitl Gálvez’s campaign coordinator, Santiago Creel, and the electoral magistrates of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal to a private dinner at the home of Minister González Alcántara.
- In July 2024, a District Judge ordered the Electoral Court to appoint two vacant magistrates to qualify the presidential election, which was rejected by the Superior Court as being excessive and in violation of Article 99 of the Constitution.
- In August 2024, Minister Piña admitted an appeal by PAN leader Marko Cortés for the Court to interpret and define the criteria for the allocation of plurinominal seats in Congress.
2024-09-10 18:22:29