2024-09-11 00:00:00
Given the proximity of ENARM 2024 A very important document for all applicants is published. These are the instructions for entry, registration and delivery of scores. Below we share the most important points and link so that you can download it.
The first thing is to start with the general information that already exists. Regarding application dates, they will be days Wednesday 24, Wednesday 25 and Wednesday 26 September 2024.
As with all previous editions, there is no change in date, place and time. Therefore, if they do not arrive on time at the appointed place, all the youth will lose the opportunity to compete. plaza
What are the entry times?
7:00 AM – Entrance to the headquarters – 8:00 AM – Application of the test
3:00 PM – Entrance to the headquarters – 4:00 PM – Application of the test
References to enter ENARM 2024
- Aspiring doctors must follow the instructions of the staff of the Coordination and Logistics Group (GCL), who will be properly identified.
- Access to colleagues or family members will not be allowed into the headquarters.
- If you require support due to a disabling condition, you must notify GCL staff at the time of admission.
- An applicant who leaves the headquarters for any reason will not be able to re-enter.
- Under no circumstances can patrons be at the Center after 2:00 pm for morning shift and after 10:00 pm for afternoon shift.
What can be stored in the package area?
- Boxes, backpacks, bags, wallets, pens, pencils, notebooks, sunglasses or glasses, hats, caps and metallic or magnetic items, coins, bills , ornaments, beats, belts, noise and food; as well as electronic devices, such as cell phones, calculators, iPods, iPads, tablets, computers, watches, pens, car and/or house keys, cameras, USBs, and other devices. Such devices are not allowed in the exam control area, even if they are turned off.
- Contravention of these provisions will be grounds for CANCELLATION of the examination.
- When you protect your belongings, the supporting doctors will receive a file, which they must keep and return when they go to collect their belongings.
- GCL staff will not be responsible for the loss, theft or breakdown of any such audio or electronic devices.
References for applications of exams
- Supporters must follow all instructions provided by the local authority.
- To enter the test application program, you must follow the official instructions.
- Candidates must remain silent during the administration of the test.
- A supporter who needs support from an officer must raise his hand and remain in place until the designated officer comes to support him.
- The applicant must not gather or form groups with other applicants during their entire stay at the headquarters and in the application room.
Score delivery in ENARM 2024
- Once the candidate has completed their examination, they must go to the Examination Module in which their optical alveolus paper on which they wrote their answers will be digitized, which will be delivered again.
- With your optical alveolus paper you must go and deliver it to the Sita Score Module staff.
- The staff of the Score Printing Module will receive the optical alveolus sheet with their answers and print the Score Sheet in duplicate, and each student must copy both sheets with blue ink, hand one to the staff and take the other . If a student refuses to sign or does not sign their Score Sheets, their exam will be cancelled.
- Applicants must present the duly signed score sheet to the staff at the exits of the headquarters.
- Fingerprints may not be reprinted for any reason.
Finally, if you want to download the official document with instructions for entry, registration and application ENARM 2024 you can do it following link.
#Procedures #entry #registration #application