The businessman of Nezahualcoyotl, Gerardo Hernandez Hernandez, He reported that almost three months after the arrest in flagrante delicto of ten members of a gang led by state policewho raided his home to steal Chinese merchandise, only two are in jail, but they are processing their release, the above due to the fact that the Public Prosecutor’s Office did not appeal the judge’s decision.
He explained that the criminals They were arrested on June 13 in front of their property in the Agua Azul neighborhood.
That day they arrived close to 30 personas In three private vehicles and two closed box trucks, guarded by a state police patrol, they forced the security locks with special tools and began to loot the company’s merchandise. Tian Hao, said.
“They were carrying firearms and when I got to my property they pointed a gun at me to get me to leave, otherwise they would shoot me,” Hernández Hernández said.
2024-09-12 00:40:16