Ipes at a standstill in Merano: no areas, 454 applications and 112 above 25 points – Merano

by times news cr

MERANO. «New Ipes housing in Merano? For the areas to build on the banks of the Passirio we are really at a standstill. In the case of via Bersaglio we tried to increase the cubic capacity but without making any progress.

The last meeting with the municipal council dates back to a few months ago”: the words of the general director of Ipes Wilhelm Palfrader go further. “You know what I tell you? For the large municipalities – Bolzano, Merano and Bressanone in the lead – we are really the last option after the private but also after the cooperatives and this does not help at all those who are waiting”. And the numbers, which emerge from a question in the Province by the provincial councilor of the Greens Madeleine Rohrer, are truly red alert.

The numbers: in Merano over 400 applications, of which 112 above 25 points

The provincial government has approved the construction program of the Institute for Social Housing for the years 2023-2033.

“And from this resolution – Rohrer emphasizes – from a year ago, it emerges that in Merano there is a lack, as a minimum requirement, of 112 apartments. In fact, of the 454 valid applications for the assignment of social housing, 112 applications have 25 or more points (in Bolzano there are 292, in Lana 19, in Lagundo and Postal 3 and in Marlengo 5). The Institute for Social Housing should, therefore, make available at least this number of apartments. For Ipes, Merano is considered “priority A” precisely because the demand is high. In the entire Province there is a lack of 4,815 apartments”.

In Merano “no short-medium term solution”

The 2023 – 2033 construction program does not, however, provide a short-term or even medium-term solution for Merano. “The resolution only includes, on the recommendation of the Municipality of Merano itself, an increase in cubic capacity in the neighborhood adjacent to Piazza San Vigilio, namely in the S. Antonio district (it has been discussed for years without concrete results, ed.). There are currently 28 apartments. In the Ipes construction program, there is neither an estimate of the costs nor the timing. Even less clear is the indication “Target – exchange/transfer”, where 9 apartments are currently located. The low priority that the Municipality gives to the construction of new Ipes homes could already be assumed in the mayor’s program, presented in November 2021 to the Merano municipal council. The title “protagonist city” highlighted the desire to review the distribution policy of Ipes houses so that new building land would be made available beyond the borders of the Municipality of Merano to ensure a “fairer” distribution in the Burgraviato. In fact, the Municipality renounced the possibility of carrying out a pilot project in via 1 Maggio with Ipes and decided on a partnership project with private entities. Furthermore, the same Municipality has recently sold municipal housing (the Municipality rents about 200 housing units to people who appear on the Ipes ranking)”.

Ipes: «Only about twenty homes to be renovated in Merano»

Palfrader himself explains how, at least in the medium term, there are only chances to rehabilitate the existing. That is, abandoned housing. “We have about 20 housing units to rehabilitate but no new construction in sight. The large municipalities are collaborating very little.” And it’s not even a problem of financing: “We have a 125 million mortgage to draw on for investments.”

The open questions

«What have been the contacts and exchanges between Ipes and the Municipality of Merano since the approval of the construction program of the Institute for Social Housing? Given that the Municipality of Merano has not indicated other building land, what do the provincial council and Ipes intend to do to calm the need for apartments for people in economic difficulty in Merano? In Merano there is a significant area of ​​former barracks that will pass to the Province first and then to the Municipality. Does the provincial council believe it should reserve a part of this area for Ipes? If so, how many square meters? If not, why? Ipes considers the S. Antonio district suitable for the construction of additional apartments? If so, why? If no, why? Has Ipes already asked the Municipality to initiate a modification to the Puc for the S. Antonio district? If so, how much do you want to raise the building index? What does the “Target – exchange/transfer” project consist of? What is the timeframe for the “Target – exchange/transfer” project? How many apartments are we talking about?

2024-09-12 13:55:33

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