Following the resignation of Vula Kehagiya, the role of spokesperson is taken over by the former deputy spokesperson, Pafsania Papageorgiou, according to a decision by the Political Secretariat, which met earlier today.
It is recalled that Vula Kehagiya announced her resignation today amid the chain reactions initiated by the passing of the motion of no confidence against Stefanos Kasselakis and his dismissal. Mrs. Kehagiya assumed the duties of spokesperson for SYRIZA on March 3, 2024.
Pafsania Papageorgiou was until recently the deputy spokesperson for SYRIZA and has previously served as the Secretary General for Youth, as well as participating in numerous scientific and advisory committees, international coordinating bodies, and supervisory councils.
Since 2019, Pafsania Papageorgiou has remained a close advisor to former Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on issues of International and European Relations.
He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Hamburg, Germany, and holds a master’s degree in the humanities.